- Stillwater Public Schools
- News & Announcements
Jan 28, 2025
Posted by Barry Fuxa on 1/28/2025SPS Families and Staff,
Everyone talks about the Three Rs of school – Reading and wRiting and aRithmetic, but I prefer to think about what I call the Six As – Academics, Arts, Athletics, Agriculture, Activities, and Altruism. Nearly every week our district has great examples of all of those things, but I want to talk specifically about Altruism and thank community members for the great example you set for our students. The people in this town show up for each other to help, watch out for each other by reporting suspicious behavior, donate to good causes, and by and large lift each other up.
Your behavior inspires our students’ behavior, attitudes, and efforts to better the world. Their fundraisers like Pink Out and SMAC generate funds to fighter cancer and support local nonprofits. Our younger students, too, understand the value of community and altruism, as demonstrated by recent fundraising efforts by Skyline Cubs to raise and donate funds to Guiding Paws, which helps bring awareness about the blind and low vision and raise funds to support guide dogs.
Thank you, Stillwater, for being great people raising great kids.
Go Pioneers!
Barry Fuxa
PR & Communications Coordinator
Stillwater Public Schools
Community Concerns
Many of our parents and community members have reached out with questions about recent changes in immigration procedures that are being discussed in the news, on social media, and among friends and families. Students may hear confusing information about complex issues and could worry about what it means.
As you may know, last week, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security rescinded guidance that identified schools, hospitals, and churches as “protected areas” where immigration enforcement should be avoided. The full legal effect this change will have on schools is not yet clear, however under the guidance of legal counsel SPS district leadership has provided site principals protocols to ensure appropriate cooperation with authorities, while maintaining the safety, security, and positive learning environment of our schools.
In the event that any immigration action were to occur in the district, please know that our building entrance protocols remain in effect for anyone entering our schools, and FERPA guidelines provide protection of student records confidentiality, including enrollment and attendance. Any request for student educational records requires a valid court order or subpoena.
Although we cannot address every scenario, rest assured that student safety and rights are our first priority. We encourage parents and families to remain informed, seek support, and connect with local resources found at Stillwaterschools.com/StudentSupport when needed. Also, please know that, as always, we have caring counselors and educators ready to talk with any student needing to address possible anxiety or any feelings about this or any topic.
If you have additional questions, please contact Acting Superintendent Dr. Janet Vinson, [email protected].
Weekend Fun!
Saturday is jam packed.
A tasty Soccer Pancake Breakfast & Silent
The competitive JH & HS Robotics competition at SJHS
Family fun and Prom fundraising at the Hello Winter Carnival at SHS
Ag Boosters Silent Auction and Dinner
Taste of Stillwater
Save the date and get ready to grab your tickets for the 28th Annual Taste of Stillwater presented by BancFirst; proceeds benefit Stillwater Public Education Foundation
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
5:30-7:30 p.m.
Payne County Expo CenterTickets go on sale February 3 at SPEF.Stillwaterschools.com or in person at:
BANCFIRST – 808 S Main and 508 Hall of Fame
EXCHANGE BANK – 4301 W. 6th Avenue and 310 S. Main
OKLAHOMA COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION – 311 E. McElroy Road and 1811 S. Sangre Road
They’re growing up…
Have or know someone with a child that will be 4 by September 1, 2025? Pre-K Enrollment starts Tuesday, March 25. Please help spread the word to those who don’t have a child in the district yet, as we don’t
Pioneer Proud
We had a slew of honors come in last week. Many made it my way, but I’m sure I’ve missed some.-
Swimming - at COAC this past weekend, Elias Mendez finished 1st 200 Individual Medly and 2nd 100 Backstroke
Lady Pioneer Wrestling - Abbie Rivero and Kahliyah Enko both brought home 1st place, while the team finished third at the COAC Conference Tournament
SHS Mock Trial - 2nd place finish at the MLK/Chappelle Tournament
Shout out to all the NCDA band kids for a great clinic and performance last weekend!
Pioneer Baseball is ranked #1 in the state by MaxPreps
Congrats to Kyriana Beard on being one of only 10 seniors in the state to be named an OYE Academic All-State.
The Livestock Judging Teams did great at the NE Area contest, with the Junior FFA Team placing 1st overall and Senior FFA Team placing 2nd overall.
Congrats to SMS Robotics Teams Vortex and Step Bros on becoming champions at last weekend’s Stillwater tournament. Vortex also won Skills Champion, while Rust in Piece brought home the Innovation Award.
Coming Up - Stillwaterschools.com/calendar
Tues, Jan 28
HS - Basketball at Muskogee (JVG 3:30 / JVB 4:45 / Varsity Girls 6:00 / Varsity Boys 7:30)
HS/JH - Wrestling vs. Union (Sr. Night)
Wed, Jan 29
Lunar New Year
Thurs, Jan 30
HS - Pom UDA National Dance Team Championship (Day 1/4)
MS/JH - Basketball at Deer Creek (7th G 4:30 / 7th B 5:30 / 8th G 6:30 / 8th B 7:30)
JH - Basketball 9th vs. Norman North (9th G 5:30 / 9th B 6:45)
Fri, Jan 31
HS - Pom UDA National Dance Team Championship (Day 2/4)
JH - Wrestling Boys at Edmond Tournament (Day 1/2)
HS - Basketball at Ponca City (JVG 3:30 / JVB 4:30 / Varsity Girls 6:30 / Varsity Boys 8:00)
Sat, Feb 1
Black History Month Starts
Career & Technical Education Month Starts
HS - Pom UDA National Dance Team Championship (Day 3/4)
JH - Wrestling Boys at Edmond Tournament (Day 2/2)
Soccer - Pancake Breakfast
HS & JHS Robotics Tournament
Hello Winter Carnival
Ag Boosters Auction and Dinner
Sun, Feb 2
Groundhog Day
HS - Pom UDA National Dance Team Championship (Day 4/4)
Mon, Feb 3
MS/JH - Basketball vs. Yukon (7th G 4:30 / 7th B 5:30 / 8th G 6:30 / 8th B 7:30)
JH - Basketball 9th at Piedmont (9th G 5:30 / 9th B 6:45)
Jan 20, 2025
Posted by Barry Fuxa on 1/20/2025SPS Families and Staff,
Welcome back and Happy New Year! In reverence to the late President Jimmy Carter, it seems timely to ring in the new year with a renewed mindset of service and sacrifice. Regardless of your political party, it is indisputable that President Carter lived a life of service and sacrifice for others. It is human nature to sometimes dwell on our deficits; we look at others that we perceive to have more, work less, that are more attractive, etc. It is my personal goal in 2025 to focus on the blessings that I have; health, home, friends and family. Because I am so blessed, I want to be more like President Carter and actively search out ways that I can CHOOSE to serve others instead of self.
Having said that, I want to give a HUGE thank you to our teachers, interventionists, administrators, instructional staff, support staff and parents. As we recently heard, Stillwater Public Schools was highlighted in the Daily Oklahoman as one of the highest performing districts in the state of Oklahoma based on the Oklahoma School Report Cards. We learned Stillwater tied Moore for the most elementary schools (3) receiving an “A” grade. Stillwater has six elementary schools, and Moore has 25, making that achievement even more impressive, so we compiled a list to compare 6A district “Elementary School GPAs.” As you can see, SPS performed incredibly well.
Keeping in mind that this is one measure of success and there are many ways to determine school effectiveness, this recognition is one indication of the hard work and dedication of our staff. From the bus drivers making sure students arrive safely, to the child nutrition staff providing healthy meals for all children, to the counselors providing guidance and wellness strategies, everyone pours in to our students’ school experience to set them up for success. Perhaps most impactful is a well-qualified and caring classroom teacher. So thank you, teachers for YOUR service to our children.
We are making GREAT strides in meeting our budget for this year and the 25-26 school year. We have already surpassed our goal for this year as shown in the chart below:
In addition, our midterm allocation from the State of Oklahoma is significantly higher than expected, so this will help us meet next year’s goal sooner than expected. The target of savings remains $5.5 million for next year, but with additional funding coming in, it gets us even closer to our savings goal for next year. We are very confident we will meet the $5.5 million goal through attrition and by implementing a few additional non-staff reductions.
Also, this month is School Board appreciation month, so this gives us an opportunity to highlight the five community members that volunteer their time to provide oversight for our school district. Working alongside the superintendent and leadership team, these five members give countless hours to make sure each student receives the best education that Stillwater can offer. Our Pioneer Pathfinders and elementary students were kind and generous with their time and talents by providing gifts to recognize our board members as shown in the photo below. Please join me in a heartfelt thank you to Dr. Marshall Baker, Tim Riley, Rachel Dillin, Roberta Douglas and Dr. Gay Washington for your service and sacrifice to our children.
Go Pioneers!
Dr. Janet Vinson
Acting Superintendent
Stillwater Public Schools
Cold Weather Safety
Please be aware Stillwater will be experiencing very low temps and wind chills over the next few days. School is planned to be in session. Please make certain students dress appropriately, especially if riding buses. Multiple layers, hats, along with scarves and/or face masks are recommended. If your student needs cold weather apparel please contact your school's office.As always any change to the school days open status or start time, will be announced via email, phone, text, (if you are opted in), the website, and social media.
No School Monday
Today we join the nation and state in recognizing Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day to honor the legacy of Dr. King and his contributions to civil rights and equality.
Pioneer Proud
Last week, we announced and celebrated our eleven site Teachers of the Year. These individuals are great examples of exemplary service to their students, peers, and the families with whom they work. These teachers will all proceed to be considered for the overall district Teacher of the Year. Congratulations, thank you, and good luck on the next round of considerations to each of every one of them!-
Highland Park - Courtney Parks - Library Media Specialist
Richmond - Zach Boydston - PE
Sangre Ridge - Hannah Day - Kindergarten
Skyline - Annie Ortiz - Enrichment
Westwood - Caleb Davis - 5th Grade
Will Rogers - Karen Holman - 3rd Grade
SMS - Rebecca Jimenez - ELL
SJHS - Madeline El Ouarraqe - Special Education
SHS - Michael Porter - Mathematics
Virtual Academy - Carmen Ryan - Special Education
Lincoln Academy- Scott Peterman - Social Studies
Coming Up - Stillwaterschools.com/calendar
Monday, Jan 20
Inauguration Day
No School - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
JH - Basketball 9th vs. Ponca City (9th G 5:30 / 9th B 6:45)
Tues, Jan 21
HS - Basketball vs. Putnam City West (JVG 3:30 / JVB 4:45 / Varsity Girls 6:00 / Varsity Boys 7:30)
MS/JH - Basketball at Piedmont (7th G 4:30 / 7th B 5:30 / 8th G 6:30 / 8th B 7:30)
HS - Swim vs. Piedmont/Casady
Wed, Jan 22
Richmond - Restaurant DAY (ALL DAY)- Panda Express
Thurs, Jan 23
HS - Basketball Boys Varsity at Newcastle Tournament (Day 1/3)
HS - Basketball Girls Varsity at Deer Creek Tournament (Day 1/3)
HS/JH - Wrestling District Duals Quad
MS/JH - Basketball vs. Mustang Central (7th G 4:30 / 7th B 5:30 / 8th G 6:30 / 8th B 7:30)
Fri, Jan 24
HS - Basketball Boys Varsity at Newcastle Tournament (Day 2/3)
HS - Basketball Girls Varsity at Deer Creek Tournament (Day 2/3)
HS - Wrestling Girls at McLoud Dual Tournament (Day 1/2)
HS - Wrestling Varsity Boys at Yukon or Owasso Tournament (Day 1/2)
January 6, 2025
Posted by Barry Fuxa on 1/6/2025SPS Families and Staff,
We hope everyone had a spectacular and restful break.
Welcome to an all new year and a new semester! 2025! As a child of the 80s that still sounds like the far future to me. I expected flying cars, a moon colony, and hoverboards, but I digress.
New years are a great chance for fresh starts. The grade books are blank. Secondary students have new schedules and new electives. New students have just moved to town. It’s a chance to turn over a new leaf if needed, continue great behaviors that are working, and make the second half of the school year great!
It’s a short week, so just a few short updates follow. We’ll have a more substantive update in the next week or so from Acting Superintendent Dr. Janet Vinson.
Go Pioneers!
Barry Fuxa
PR & Communications Coordinator
Stillwater Public Schools
Winter has arrived, be sure to bundle the kids up appropriately. Multiple layers help kids stay comfortable outside or inside and in drafty or cozy spaces. If your child needs warm weather gear or a new pair of shoes, please let your school office know.District leaders are watching the weather, including a possibility of some inclement weather arriving on Thursday. We’ll keep you posted on any cancellations via email, text messages (if you’ve opted in), phone calls, and on social media and Stillwaterschools.com. Please note, we do not typically reach out to say school is on. If you don’t see an update from us, please assume school is on as scheduled.
Speaking of Winter...
The SHS Junior Class officers are hosting a winter carnival with carnival-style games, a bounce house, hot chocolate, treats, and prizes. There will also be a silent auction during the event with several items and gift baskets donated from local businesses. Fun for the family, plus funds raised will be used to make this year's prom an unforgettable experience for SHS students. Join them on January 11 from 5-9pm at the SHS Student Center for a cool time.
Coming Up - Stillwaterschools.com/calendar
Wrestling and Basketball have a busy week!
Mon - Jan 6
JH - Basketball 9th at Deer Creek (9th G 5:30 / 9th B 6:45)
Tennis Chipotle Fundraiser - 4-8pm
Tues - Jan 7
3rd Quarter Begins
HS - Basketball at Bixby (JVG 4:00 / JVB 5:00 / Varsity Girls 6:30 / Varsity Boys 8:00)
Thurs - Jan 9
Law Enforcement Day
HS - Basketball Boys Varsity at Enid Tournament (Day 1/3)
HS - Basketball Girls Varsity at Bartlesville Tournament (Day 1/3)
JH - Basketball 9th at Edmond Memorial Tournament (Day 1/3)
HS/JH - Wrestling vs. Deer Creek (Homecoming)
Fri - Jan 10
HS - Basketball Boys Varsity at Enid Tournament (Day 2/3)
HS - Basketball Girls Varsity at Bartlesville Tournament (Day 2/3)
JH - Basketball 9th at Edmond Memorial Tournament (Day 2/3)
HS - Wrestling Boys at Geary Tournament (Day 1/2)
Sat, Jan 11
HS - Basketball Boys Varsity at Enid Tournament (Day 3/3)
HS - Basketball Girls Varsity at Bartlesville Tournament (Day 3/3)
JH - Basketball 9th at Edmond Memorial Tournament (Day 3/3)
HS - Wrestling Boys at Geary Tournament (Day 2/2)
Hello Winter Carnival
Sun, Jan 12
VB - Little Lady Pioneer Volleyball Clinic (Grades K-6)
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