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Frightening Football

You're invited to Frightening Football!

Thursday, October 31, 2024

Halloween Costume Theme 

Pregame - (Senior Night)


Pom, Cheer, Band
(Senior Night)

plus a Costume Parade
(5th grade and younger)

3rd Quarter
Trick or Treat Stations
(5th grade and younger. Visiting team’s youngest guests w/ a parent/guardian welcome)
Costume Contest
(6th Grade+)

Costume Expectations

  • Costumes should be appropriate for school events
  • Small children and sensitive spectators will be in attendance, therefore costumes and make-up should not be overly revealing or disturbing (no blood or gore).
  • Costumes should not feature inappropriate themes/characters, reference drugs/alcohol, mock religions/individuals, or feature offensive stereotypes.
  • Spectators must be identifiable
    • No costume masks for secondary students or adults. Costume masks allowed for elementary students.
    • Makeup should still allow for easy recognition based on your ID
  • Props
    • Secondary students & adults: No prop weapons (guns, blasters, knives, swords, lightsabers w/ blades, etc.), whips, wands, holsters, or shields.
    • Elementary students: Props (minus blades, guns, and holsters) allowed

If you have questions about your costume, please ask your principal well in advance!