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Coach Karie Linsenmeyer's Softball Camp

WHEN: May 28 th – 20 th 2024 (3 days)
WHERE: Couch Park Softball Field
TIME: Session I: K-4 th 8am – 10am
Session II: 5 th -8 th 10:30am-12:30pm
COST: $60.00 (Includes Camp T-shirt)
or send Registration Form & Payment to 1224 N.
Husband, ATT: Karie Linsenmeyer

CONTACT: Karie Linsenmeyer at 405-880-3822 (for questions)
 The camp will emphasize the following fundamentals and skills:

* Throwing Mechanics
* Fielding Fundamentals
* Base Running
* Hitting/Bunting (Grip, Stance & Swing)
* Defensive Situations

 Camp director will be Head Softball Coach Karie Linsenmeyer. Camp staff may
include current & former Lady Pioneer softball players & coaches.
 All Campers bring their own glove, bat, should wear proper practice clothes & BRING
THEIR OWN WATER BOTTLES (water will not be provided).