- Stillwater Public Schools
- About Will Rogers
August 15 Update
Posted by Dane Sallaska on 8/14/2022 3:05:00 PM
Good Afternoon, Mustang Families!
I hope you had a great weekend!
The first two days of school were outstanding! I can't say enough about your students or our staff. The attitudes displayed in the school and the efforts provided in the classroom were sensational. We appreciate your help and patience as we work from our current level toward school excellence.
We will work toward being a little bit more academic this week. ALL students will take part in the ISIP which is a monthly assessment given via iStation. iStation is the universal screener by which we measure student growth in literacy. This is a state-approved program which is also used to support students in improving upon and acquiring grade level standards.
Just a couple of things to consider for this week:
- Please remember that phones ARE allowed at school, but must be left in backpacks. If students must bring these devices, they should not be a disruption to the educational process. If you need to provide information to your student, you can contact the office, directly. Beyond phones, all other digital devices (ipads, tablets, gaming devices, etc...) should remain at home. If you have questions or concerns, please call me directly.
- Please keep toys at home, as well.
- We are becoming more efficient in our dismissal and drop off procedures. Thank you for providing grace as we work toward being more expedient. Please remember you must have your student identification "tag" in order to pick up your student. Otherwise, you will be required to come to the office to prove your identity with a photo ID.
- Our curriculum night will be scheduled VERY SOON. Please keep an eye out for this information.
- Student water bottles are always welcome here. We only ask that you send water (no soda or sticky drinks, please), and that the bottles have a lid that seals well.
- If you need to change transportation modes on any given day, you must contact the school office (533-6380) prior to noon to ensure that the message is provided to your student(s) and their teacher.
It is an absolute honor to be a part of this community, this school, and our Will Rogers team. Please let us know how we can continue to improve our efforts to best serve your families!
Have a super week!
Mr. Sallaska