• Stillwater S LogoCoaches

  • Athletic Department Mission

    It is the mission of the Stillwater Public Schools’ Athletic Department to help all student athletes to become stronger academically, athletically, and socially for the betterment of our community.


    • The athletic faculty will be committed to working with athletes to help them better understand the importance of dedication, work ethic and cooperation.
    • We will always strive for a family atmosphere that embraces diversity.
    • It is the desire of our faculty to always provide a safe and competitive environment.
    • The Stillwater Athletic Department's goal is that all athletes become great citizens while learning to compete at the highest level.

    Core Concepts

    • Rapport
      • A coach must early on develop a good rapport with any number of the following individuals and groups: team personnel, the student body, the members of the professional staffs involved (grounds, medicine, police, etc.), the community as a whole, the spectator and support constituents, the corresponding coaches of the league and district of which the school is a part. Proper public relations are essential within the community.

    • Cooperation
      • In regard to cooperation, it is expected that professionalism will produce an amount of give-and-take between individuals associated in any degree with the comprehensive program. Coaches must work hand in hand with the athletic director, the building principal and other members of the school’s coaching staff. Limited budgets, expanded activity program schedules and heavy demands on overtaxed facilities make “cooperation” so important.

    • Leadership
      • Leadership comprises many characteristics. A coach should possess and exhibit diligence, enthusiasm and enjoyment that comprises professional and personal pride.

      • A coach should be under control at all times. Inappropriate language, intimidation and emotional displays will not be tolerated by Stillwater Public Schools. Integrity, graciousness, dignity and respect are to be cultivated for players, officials, opponents, colleagues and the game itself, whether competing or practicing.

      • A coach is responsible for every facet of discipline. Individually the coach becomes a model of all that the program represents – observation of school policies, rules, regulations and codes, training rules, rules of the game, ideals of good sportsmanship and behavior of participants throughout the season. Sportsmanship should always be exhibited and reinforced. Coaches are expected to give their time, energy and spirit as the season demands. The quality of leadership often makes the difference. The quality of leadership typically defines the success of a program.

    • Improvement
      • A coach must constantly take advantage of opportunities presented for self-improvement. Attendance and participation at district meetings, rules clinics, clinics in specific fields and similar in-service training programs is a must. Membership should be maintained in professional organizations, coaches’ associations and similar groups whose programs are geared toward greater achievement and fuller performance. Keeping abreast of current literature in professional journals, newspapers, and magazines and utilizing enrichment material available in other media forms is also expected.

    • Professionalism
      • All coaches are expected to conduct themselves with a high degree of professionalism. Each coach will follow these policies. Included are the following specific criteria with respect to coaching and techniques:

        1. Uses sound and acceptable teaching practices.

        2. Runs well-organized practice sessions.

        3. Completes pre-season planning well in advance of starting turnout dates.

        4. Adheres to a highly efficient and technically sound program of injury prevention. When injuries occur, the coach follows a prescribed routine and maintains good communication with athlete, doctor, parents and school administration.

        5. Manages unanticipated circumstances effectively.

        6. Coaches will not use tobacco, drugs, or alcohol on the practice field, during a contest, in the presence of athletes, or on school grounds.

        7. Develops and maintains a system for equipment accountability, including seasonal inventory, repair, reconditioning and replacement. All purchasing should be accomplished within the bounds of the regular school purchasing procedures and stay within the allocated budget.

        8. Keeps assistant coaches, student managers and statisticians well informed about what is expected; maintains a professional relationship with maintenance staff, transportation and others involved in the overall program.


    Head Coaches

    All SPS Head Coaches will perform under the supervision of the Athletic Director and building Principal. Head Coaches for SPS Athletics shall be ultimately responsible for ensuring that all assistant coaches, managers, and players obey all rules, regulations, and policies outlined in this handbook, the Student Athlete / Parent Handbook, and all School Board Policies. Head coach duties include, but are not limited to:

    1. Assign managers the duties and responsibilities each manager is expected to perform.

    2. Supervision of Assistant Coaches & Volunteers

    3. Head coaches should immediately discuss misunderstandings or failure to follow instructions with the assistant(s) in a professional manner.

    4. Keep abreast of new developments, innovative ideas and techniques by attendance at clinics, workshops, and reading material in their particular field.

    5. Conducting team coach meetings

    6. Ensure proper facility and equipment usage and maintenance occurs

    7. Respond in a timely manner to reasonable 3rd party requests for information related to recruiting.

    8. Other duties and responsibilities outlined in this handbook.


      • Coaches desiring to terminate their services in any sport must notify the athletic director in writing as soon as possible after the completion of the sport.

      • Adjustments to coaching staff by the SPS Athletic Department

        1. The Athletic Director should inform the athletic director about unsatisfactory services of an assistant or their failure to carry out assignments by the middle of the sport season. An informal conference will be held between the athletic director, the head coach and the assistant to discuss the problem(s). An assistant may also request a conference with the athletic director regarding problems that they may be having in their coaching assignment.

        2. Before any decision is made regarding any assistant, a conference will be held between the athletic director, head coach and assistant involved to discuss the manner in which assigned responsibilities have been carried out.

        3. Head Coaches will be notified in writing if their services are to be terminated before the conclusion of their contract.


    Assistant Coaches

    The head coach shall provide, in written format, definite assignment instructions and outlines of general responsibilities for each of their sports assistant coaches to the assistant coaches and the Assistant Athletic Director. Minor details and instructions may be covered verbally as needed.

    Responsibilities for Assistant Coaches

    Before the Season

      • Assist the head coach in:

          • Proper registration of all athletes,

          • Making systematic issuance of equipment

          • Providing accurate information needed to compile eligibility lists and other reports.

      • Meet with the squad to discuss all policies, rules, regulations and codes

    During the Season:

      • Assist in implementing athletic objectives outlined in the Stillwater Public Schools Department of Athletics Policies and Procedures Manual.

      • Assume responsibility for constant care and preventative maintenance of equipment and facilities.

      • Assume supervisory control over athletes and teams assigned and over all athletes when such control is needed.

      • Be in regular attendance at all contests and practice sessions.

      • Apply discipline in a firm and positive manner as needed.

      • Emphasize safety precautions; be aware of the best training procedures and injury prevention action.

      • Conduct self and team in an ethical manner during contests and in practice.

      • Instruct players in rules of the game, rules changes, new developments, and innovative ideas.

      • Additional Responsibilities may be assigned, including:

    • Scouting opponents

    • Team trainer

    • Equipment supervisor

    • Publicity reports

    • Filming

    • And other duties as assigned

    End of the Season:

      • Assist in return, storage and inventory of school equipment.

      • Leave your dressing facilities free of debris (shoes, clothing, etc.).

      • Recommend to the head coach athletes for awards.

      • Recommend to the head coach facility maintenance and improvements needed.

      • Recommend to the head coach equipment to be purchased.

      • Recommend to the head coach improvements or modifications in the playing schedule.

      • Complete reports as requested by the head coach and/or the athletic director.

    Adjustments to Assistant Coaching Staff

        • Head coaches should inform the Athletic Director of any unsatisfactory services of an Assistant Coach by the middle of the sport season. An informal conference will be held between the Athletic Director, the Head Coach and the Assistant Coach to discuss any issues.

            • Head coaches desiring to recommend changes among assistants should notify the athletic director no later than two weeks following the close of the sport season.

            • Before any decision is made regarding any Assistant Coach adjustments, a conference will be held between the athletic director, head coach and assistant involved to discuss the manner in which assigned responsibilities have been carried out.

            • Assistant coaches will be notified in writing if their services are to be terminated before the conclusion of their contract.

        • An Assistant Coach may also request a conference with the Athletic Director regarding problems that they may be having in their coaching assignment.


    Head coaches will obtain approval of any volunteers at practices or competitions through the athletic director prior to their contact with students. All volunteers will be required to complete the Volunteer Coaches Application and have a background check verified by the central office.

    PhotographerPhotographers, Videographers, and Reporters

    No persons such as photographers, videographers, reporters, scouts or any other visiting person should have unsupervised contact with student athletes.


    SPS Athletics shall on occasion conduct mandatory meetings for the purpose of increased efficiency, improved compliance with regulations, increased departmental cooperation, or other purposes. Examples of such meetings include, but are not limited to:

    • All head coaches meeting

    • All coaches (head and assistant) meeting

    • All fall sports meeting

    • All spring sports meeting


    Dates for this year's meetings

    • TBA


    There are 3 NFHS video certifications that all coaches are required to complete each year. They are free and can be accessed via the NFHS Learning Center at www.nfhslearn.com. Each video takes about 15-20 minutes to complete. The 3 videos that must be completed are:

    • Heat Illness Prevention

    • Concussion in Sports

    • Sudden Cardiac Arrest

    If this is your first year of coaching, you must watch a 4th and 5th video, in addition to the 3 previously mentioned videos. These videos are:

    • "Fundamentals of Coaching"

    • “First Aid, Health and Safety”

    They can be viewed using the same process as the previous three videos, with the exception, they do cost 40 dollars. These two videos must be paid for by using a credit or debit card. These videos do take substantially longer to complete but it will save your progress as you work through them. If you are not certain whether or not you need to complete “Fundamentals of Coaching” and/or “First Aid, Health and Safety”, please feel free to call or email me anytime.


    Here are a few things that will help you navigate the new NFHS Learning Center:

    1. Signing in - The "Sign In" area is case sensitive and using lower case letters has proven to work best. Your email and password will continue to work on the new website. If you have forgotten your password, please use the "Forgot your password" tool to reset it (located at the bottom of the "Sign In" area). An email containing a link to reset your password will be sent to you. It may take a few minutes to receive the email.

    2. If you are having trouble advancing to the next slide within a course, refresh your page to ensure the page has properly loaded. If you still have trouble please visit the "Help " tab near the top right corner of the page. This page includes information on how to get in touch with the NFHS Help Desk.

    3. To take courses on NFHSLearn.com, you must be registered and signed-in. All courses must be ordered, even free courses. Once ordered, courses are accessed through your "Dashboard" and appear under "My Courses" - "Active". All of your certificates can be accessed under "My Courses".

    4. You are required to take "Concussion in Sports", “Heat Illness Prevention” and “Sudden Cardiac Arrest” on an annual basis. You must order the course again and retake it. A new certificate, with an updated completion date, will be accessible following course completion.

    After completing the videos, please email your certificate of completion by clicking the “Download Certificate” tab under the "My Courses" section. NOTE: You must complete the video, all questions and the survey to obtain 100% completion before printing.

    Please email me your certifications upon completion of the videos.

    These certifications will need to be turned into the Assistant Athletic Director before you can begin working with student athletes (per the OSSAA and SPS BOE). If you have any questions, please stop by that office or call 405-707-5191.


    • Coaches should know the OSSAA Rules Manual and their sport rule manuals as listed under the OSSAA website and stay abreast of any changes.

        • When rules meetings are held for specific sports, all coaches in that sport are encouraged to attend the meetings. The head coach is required to attend the meeting for their sport.

    • Coaches are responsible for student athlete knowledge of all rules.

    Facilities & Equipment


    All coaches will be responsible for athletic facilities & equipment throughout the district.

    • Ensure that a coach is the first to arrive and make sure that you are the last to leave.

    • Never give out keys to the school or athletic facilities.

    • Report any damage to facilities to the Athletics Department immediately.

    • A coach should be the last to leave and should ensure all facilities are secure.

    Any changes or repairs made to existing facilities must be approved by the Director or Assistant Director of Athletics.

    All repairs will be dealt with according to priority. Field markings and maintenance must be requested in advance by completing maintenance forms with specific information listed for jobs to be completed and turned into the athletic director’s office.


    Coaches are responsible for all issued equipment.

    • School equipment should not be taken home for personal use.

    • Insure that athletes are properly equipped for practice and competition.

    • Maintain a detailed log of equipment checked out to students.

    Any purchase or donation of new equipment must be approved by the Director or Assistant Director of Athletics.


    1. The care of equipment, issuance and collecting of the same is the responsibility of the head coach.

    2. If a student loses their equipment, they must pay for it.

    3. Cleaning, repairs and reconditioning of team equipment are the responsibility of the head coach. Such expenditures should be approved by the athletic director and figured into one’s budget.

    4. The head coach should make inventory reports on all equipment every year.

    5. School athletic equipment will not be loaned out so it can be used during the summer without approval of director of athletics and activities. Equipment is not to be used by outside groups without approval from the athletic director.

    Purchasing Procedures


    1. The secondary schools should operate on a planned budget.

    2. Copies of the budget should be made available to the head coach connected with the program.

    3. At the senior high school and the junior high school, the athletic director will establishthe budgets.

    4. The athletic department will not provide money for entertainment, such as movies.

    5. High school head coaches should provide resources to address the needs of the junior high program.



    1. The athletic director will supervise the process of purchasing equipment.

    2. Schools should be certain to stay within the budgets allotted for each sport.

    3. Purchase orders must be approved when buying athletic equipment prior to the actual purchase agreement. .


    Bills and Payment

    1. Processing of bills is the responsibility of the athletic director. Purchase orders are needed to accompany each payment.

    2. At the junior high school, the head coach should submit all orders to the junior high coordinator and they in turn shall submit the order to the principal.

    3. Coaches are not to charge any item to the school without approval from the athletic director. 27

    4. Coaches are not to sell athletes anything unless money is deposited in the school’s activity fund, and they have the athletic director’s, school principal’s and school board’s approval.


    All students are eligible to tryout for any sport unless they have violated Board policy or if participation in tryouts would endanger a student's health or safety. If the coach uses one of these reasons for not allowing an athlete to tryout for a school team the reason must be submitted to the Athletic Director in writing.

    Coaches will in no way discourage their student athletes from trying out for other SPS athletic teams.

    Coaches shall:

    • Schedule, announce, and advertise tryout dates at least 14 days prior to the tryout date. The Assistant Athletic Director and PR & Communications Coordinator are good resources to assist you in advertising your tryouts.

    • Manage and observe tryouts and work with any relevant assistant coaches to evaluate each potential student athlete's potential contributions to the team.


    All coaches must complete a roster for student athletes for each team they oversee. Following tryouts, coaches shall:
    • Work with any relevant assistant coaches to evaluate each potential student athlete's potential contributions to the team.

    • Prepare a complete roster of players and necessary information so that certified lists of eligibility may be sent to the OSSAA.

    • Rosters should be:

      • Completed in a timely manner.

      • Submitted to the Athletic Director or Assistant Athletic Director.

      • Updated on the sport's official SPS website.

    Forms & Physicals

    • A parent/guardian must complete all participation forms for each participating student athlete.

    • All student athletes must provide documentation annually that they have completed a physical examination prior to participation in their sport each year.



    Coaches will:

    • As required by the OSSAA, check all players for their eligibility.

    • Maintain, in writing, communicated to team athletes, and on file with the Athletic Director, any eligibility rules and regulations other than those established by the OSSAA.

    • Inform any ineligible students of their status.

    • Advise student athletes on steps they may take to restore their eligibility.

    Details regarding eligibility are outlined in the Student Athlete Handbook and listed here.

    Scholastic Eligibility

    1. Regular standards of eligibility will be governed by rules of the Oklahoma Secondary School Activities Association.
    2. The athletic director and the building principal shall determine eligibility rules and regulations other than those established by the Oklahoma Secondary School Activities Association.

    3. The principal and athletic director will decide issues of interschool eligibility.

    4. In all cases, the athletic director and the building principal are directly responsible for eligibility matters.

    5. Coaches are responsible to see that all new students are completely eligible before they are allowed to participate in any contest. All new students must be informed of the applicable athletic policies, rules, regulations and codes.

    6. At the high school, eligibility checks will be conducted after two weeks (during third week) of the first and third terms and each succeeding week thereafter and at the end of the first week of the second and fourth blocks and each succeeding week thereafter. Coaches/sponsors are responsible for giving the student their failing letter.
    Ineligible Player Status

    1. An ineligible player may practice with the varsity, junior varsity, and eighth or ninth grade teams.
    2. They must have completed all pre-participation paperwork including the availability of supplemental insurance.

    3. If administration has reason to believe that an individual should not be practicing or traveling with the team because of behavioral issues, attitude, attendance, or scholastic work, they may be denied this privilege.

    4. Students who are suspended out of school will not participate in interscholastic athletics until reinstatement in school has occurred and notification is given to the head coach in that sport.

    5. Students entered into an in-school program will not be allowed to practice or compete until their release.

    6. Further or continued suspension from athletics may occur if the severity of the offense warrants. The high school/junior high principal and the athletic director shall meet to determine this.


    A clear and reasonable schedule of practices should be established X days prior to the beginning of the sport season. This schedule should be in writing, communicated to team athletes, and on file with the Athletic Director. Communication between coaches, student athletes, and parents regarding practice times and duration are essential.

    All practices are to be supervised by certified coaches or representatives of the school district at all times. If a coach is unable to be present, the practice will not be held.


    Calendar IconSchedules

    Schedules should be submitted to the Athletic Director and posted to the sport's official SPS website at least 30 days prior to the season starting. Any changes to the schedule should also be communicated and updated within one business day of receipt or as soon as possible for events with last minute changes.

    All coaches are encouraged to explore unique and/or out of state opportunities to expand and enhance student experiences.



    Following any athletic competition, results should be reported to the Athletic Director and posted to the sport's official SPS website by noon the next business day. Coaches are encouraged to report/update sites as soon as possible following all competitions.



    Pioneer Stadium Couch Park

    Building a Reputation

    Home athletic competitions are a chance for our coaches, fans, and student athletes to create a welcoming competitive environment. Each person visiting our community is a potential future Pioneer or resident of our town. Stillwater is known as America's Friendliest College Town, and we should all work to maintain that reputation for our community and encourage visitors to return to our community. A welcoming environment can help stimulate our local economy and support our schools through shopping, dining, and potential relocations to our town. While a vigorous sense of competitiveness is understandable, all participants should be encouraged to remain friendly, respectful, and to conduct themselves in a professional manner.

    Prior to every event coaches and Athletic Department staff should work to fulfill any relevant, appropriate requests from peers, such as directions and parking or facility information.

    At the conclusion of each contest players and coaches are expected to congratulate opponents appropriately.

    Peter Pioneer Mascot


    Peter Pioneer

    The Peter Pioneer mascot may be requested to appear at home competitions, but does not travel to away events except to special contests such as playoff games and championships. To request a Peter Pioneer appearance, contact Carolyn Walstad - [email protected]. Ability to appear is subject to availability.


    Coaches’ Responsibilities on Trips

      1. Head coaches must submit to the attendance office a list of students who will miss school and verify their eligibility two days in advance of travel.

      2. Hold group meeting before each departure to provide general instructions. Have each player check their equipment and assume responsibility for it throughout the trip.

      3. Prepare a checklist of equipment required for the event so that the managers leave nothing behind.

      4. When players arrive back at school, the coach must be sure that each individual has transportation home. Any injured players 10 must be personally referred to a physician or trainer or released to their parents.

      5. Encourage students not to bring valuables.

      6. The coach or designated assistant should check the dressing rooms, hotel rooms, restaurants, and bus as soon as the athletes have left the facility. This effort will help prevent the loss of clothing and equipment and give the coach information as to the condition of the property upon their departure.

      7. Impress upon the students that inappropriate behavior and the use of obscene language will not be tolerated. Set the standards of behavior for all to emulate.

      8. Inform the athletes of the type of clothing to wear, the address of the hotel or motel where the team is to stay including the phone number, exact time of departure from home, and approximate time of arrival home. Encourage the students to inform their parents of these facts in case of emergencies.

    Bus Conduct

    Board Policy CN - School Transportation

      1. Managers and athletes must see that the bus is clean at the end of the trip.

      2. Do not tolerate horseplay, loud talking, or athletes shouting out the windows.

      3. Advise athletes that the bus is unsecured and all loose articles should be taken with them.

    Use of Opponents’ Dressing Facilities

    Coaches should discuss with the team members the appropriate conduct when using the dressing facilities of the opponents. Note the general condition of the dressing room both upon arrival and departure to deter vandalism. It may be necessary at times to hold a bag inspection after returning from a trip to check against souvenirs taken by athletes. Coaches should ask to have their dressing room locked during their team’s absence. Carrying out these procedures may save the school and the district some unfavorable publicity.

    Supervision of the Athletes at Game Site

    After arrival at the game site, DO NOT allow students to leave the stadium, gym or field without proper supervision. Parents are not responsible for student safety and should not be allowed to assume responsibility for students other than their own child.


    1. The activities buses will be assigned by the transportation director.

    2. Bus requests are the responsibility of each head coach for each team in their respective sport. Requests for bus transportation must be submitted at least two (2) weeks in advance of event per Stillwater Public Schools Policy.

    3. Interior of buses and/or vans should be cleaned by the coach in charge upon arrival back at the school or bus garage.

    4. If transportation problems arise, contact the director of transportation. If problems occur with school-owned vehicles, alert school officials as soon as possible.

    5. Report any bus or vehicle damage to the director of transportation or school officials immediately.

    6. Weather – Questions that arise concerning safety of travel because of inclement weather will be dealt with by the building principal in consultation with the athletic director. Decisions will be made as early in the day as possible, and all parties involved will be alerted by these administrators or their designees.

    7. Team members will go to events on school-provided transportation. Athletes may return home with their parents when the parent personally asks the coach to let their child ride home with them.

    8. Head coaches must go and return with their team on the bus. The athletic director must approve exceptions. 26

    9. There will be no gambling, use or possession of tobacco, drugs, or alcoholic beverages, including low-point (3.2) beer, on any school trip.

    10. It is recommended that teams travel as neatly dressed as possible.

    11. Coaches must see that their teams return to Stillwater as soon as possible after a game, especially on school nights. Parents should be told when to expect the team home.

    12. When possible, the bus and driver will stay with the team for the athletic event as directed by the coach.

    13. The school will hire all drivers for the athletic trips.

    14. Parents wishing to have their child ride home with someone other than the team or the parent must complete the SPS Activity Transportation Release Form and present it to the coach with signatures from the parent and athletic director prior to departure

    First Aid KitMedical

    1. Check all players for insurance.

    2. Be certain that each participant has a medical examination (physical) prior to any workout.

    3. Have first aid equipment available at all times.

    Care of the Student Athlete

    The coaches and trainers must always bear in mind they are not physicians and shall not try to diagnose a condition that appears serious in nature or a condition that does not respond to early treatment. If a coach/trainer suspects a medical condition is serious, the athlete should be referred to a physician at once. No risks should be taken.

    All physical problems will be given immediate attention. At no time will an athlete be placed back into practice or competition until the condition will no longer prevent that student/athlete from performing up to their usual capabilities. Student/athletes have an obligation to inform the coaching staff and/or trainer if they have sought the care of a physician. When a coach becomes aware that the student/athlete has sought care of a physician, that physician must provide a written release prior to the student/athlete returning to practice or competition.

    Concussions and Head Injuries

    The Stillwater Board of Education recognizes that concussions and head injuries can result from contact sports and can have serious consequences if not properly evaluated and treated. Therefore, consistent with state law, the district will, through this policy and the associated Concussions and Head Injuries Information Sheet and Acknowledgement Form (FFAEA-E1), inform and educate student athletes and their parents/guardians of the nature and risk of concussions or head injuries, including the dangers associated with continuing to play after a concussion or head injury.

    On an annual basis, and prior to a student-athlete’s participation in any athletic practices or competitions, form FFAEA-E1 shall be distributed to the student athlete and his or her parent/guardian. The included acknowledgement form must be signed by the student-athlete and his or her parent/guardian to verify that they have read the information sheet and understand the content and warnings. The completed acknowledgement form shall be returned to the athletic department office prior to the student-athlete’s participation in practice or competition during that school year. The student-athlete may not practice or compete until the form has been received.

    If a district coach suspects that a student-athlete has sustained a concussion or head injury during a practice or game, the coach shall immediately remove that student-athlete from participation and direct the student-athlete to obtain a physical and mental status examination by a licensed healthcare provider. This licensed health care provider must be trained in the evaluation and management of concussions. The district shall not be financially responsible for any health care bills associated with the examination.

    After suffering a concussion or head injury, a student-athlete’s physical and cognitive activities should be carefully managed and monitored by the licensed health care professional. Any student-athlete removed from participation shall not be allowed to participate in practices or games until he or she is evaluated by a licensed health care provider and receives Medical Clearance to Return to Athletic Participation (FFAEA-E2), a copy of which shall be provided to the district athletic department office.

    Drug Testing Program

    Any student in Stillwater Public schools who participates in extra-curricular competitive programs in grades 7-12 will be required to participate in the drug testing program. Activity Student Drug Testing (FNCFB)

    Dress Code, Uniforms, and Apparel

    Dress Code

    All coaches (Head, Assistants, and Volunteer) should dress appropriately for all contests and trips. Pioneer apparel is strongly encouraged anytime you are with student athletes. District ID (employment badge) should be easily visible. This helps students and their parents easily identify you as being affiliated with SPS Athletics.

    Students are expected to comply with the SPS student dress code as listed for the current or upcoming school year. Accommodations may be made as necessary by the coach in order to deal with extraneous temperatures. These expectations should be made clear to student athletes, and concerns with inappropriate attire should be addressed with the student.



    All uniforms must comply with existing SPS branding best practices, be approved by the Assistant Athletic Director and PR & Communications Coordinator.

    Any purchase or donation of new uniforms or team provided apparel must be approved by the Director or Assistant Director of Athletics.


    • Current Marks - ONLY current SPS Logos or marks can be used on uniforms that will be worn during competition.

      • The "S"

        • The "S" is the preferred mark for SPS uniforms.

        • Particular care should be made to utilize the correct current "S" or approved variations of it.

        • The "S" should if at all possible maintain it's three separate pieces - core, piping, and trim.

        • The color of the outer trim color of the "S" or Pioneer Logos should be such that it is distinct from the background color of the clothing.

        • Particularly small "S" logos may need to combine the piping and trim due to printing or stitching limitations, causing them to appear similar to the third crossed out example. This is acceptable.

        • Additional variations of the "S" can be requested by contacting the SPS PR & Communications Coordinator.


    Stillwater S Logo

    Modified Stillwater S Logo

    A mark similar to the Stillwater S

    A mark similar to the Stillwater S

    A mark similar to the Stillwater S Logo

    Preferred -All 3 pieces - Core, Piping and outer Trim - Colors can vary

    Allowed Rarely - Piping and Trim merged - Used only when manufacturing limitations necessitate

    Not Allowed - Attempt to mimic official S with different dimensions

    Not Allowed - Missing Trim

    Not Allowed - Missing Trim and Piping

    The Pioneer

      • Only approved SPS owned variation of the Pioneer can be used for team apparel. Please contact the SPS PR & Communications Coordinator, [email protected], 405.707.5025, to confirm the logo you plan to use.

    Retired Stillwater SVintage Marks

        • The Vintage Pioneer S has been retired and should not be used.

        • Exceptions to this may be made on a case by case basis for the consideration of:

            • Excessive costs to replace existing equipment bearing the old "S," but future equipment orders must use the current logos.

            • Special uses that illustrate the history of SPS Athletics.

            • Used for special "vintage" uses only


    All uniforms and apparel must be in good taste and consistent with SPS Logo guidelines.

    All apparel must comply with copyright law. Apparel associated with SPS Athletics may not feature any mark not owned by SPS unless written permission is obtained from the original mark owner. Typically the only time logos not belonging to SPS should be used is to list sponsors.

    Do not modify other graphics to represent the Stillwater Pioneers, any district school, or organization. Though your intent might be to tribute or honor the organization whose marks you are using, this is a violation of copyright law. Changing colors, reflecting, stretching, skewing, or any other modifications to designs is not enough to avoid potential legal action. Fines for copyright violations range from $200 to $150,000 for each work infringed. If you have any questions about artwork you are considering, please contact Barry Fuxa, PR & Communications Coordinator, [email protected], 405-707-5025.

    Schooner Example of what not to do - Superman S Example of what not to do - MLB Logo Example of what not to do - Hodgepodge Stillwater Pioneer Logo

    • It is highly preferred that the words "Stillwater, " "Pioneers," or "Stillwater Pioneers" appear prominently on the uniform.

    • Fonts used do not have to match existing district fonts, but should be used consistently and should not vary widely from uniform to uniform within a team. Fonts selected should be easy to read and largely free from excessive ornamentation.


    • Whenever possible, colors used should be as close to SPS's official colors as possible.

    • Special exceptions for other colors such as Pink Out jerseys may be considered.

    Preferred Uniform Color Combinations

    • Blue, Yellow, and White
    • Blue and Yellow
    • Blue and White
    • White and Blue
    • White and Yellow
    • Blue and Gray
    • Black and Yellow
    • Black and Gray
    Pioneer Blue
    PANTONE 286
    HTML #002d9a
    R:0 G:45 B:154
    C:100 M:70 Y:0 K:40
    Pioneer Gold

    Promotion & Publicity


    1. Publicity is the responsibility of the head coach and director of athletics and activities.

    2. Results of all contests should be reported to the Tulsa, Oklahoma City and Stillwater newspapers for senior high sports and the Stillwater paper for junior high sports.

    3. The student body should be well informed of all athletic events.

    4. The building principal or director of athletics and activities may make special publicity releases.

    5. The district PR and Communications Coordinator may be able to assist in public relations, marketing, branding, and graphic design.


    Coaches have several areas of responsibility related to promoting their team as outlined in the 2021-2022 Athletics Communication Plan, including:

    • Website Content - Update sport websites, including any updates or changes in dates, times, or locations, on a regular basis and in a timely manner.

      • Coaches Lists

      • Rosters

      • Schedules

      • Results/Game Summaries

      • Tryouts

    • Team Communication

      • Assistant Coaches

      • Athletes

      • Parents

    • Photography, Video, and Streaming/Broadcasts

      • Coaches should make efforts to document their sport through photo and video documentation

        • All photos, video, and broadcasts must apply with board policies and any applicable laws, such as copyright, or agreements SPS, the Athletic Department, or OSSAA may have entered into.

      • SPS Athletics and the SPS Communications Coordinator do not arrange for event photographers.

        • A request may be made to the SPS Communication Coordinator to provide periodic photography on a limited basis; such requests should be made in a reasonable time, and are subject to availability of the PR & Communications Coordinator and Equipment

    • Team Social Media Accounts

      • Optional

      • Any account presenting itself as an SPS team’s account must have a coach and at least one Athletic Department staff member or the SPS PR & Communications Coordinator as an administrator/login credential holder.

      • Only one account per platform per sport (Treat all levels of a sport as one. There should not be separate accounts for Varsity, Junior Varsity, Junior High, Middle School, etc.)

      • Any new accounts created require the approval of the SPS PR & Communications Coordinator.

      • Coaches shall inform all coaching staff and anyone managing social media accounts of expectations, agreements, policies, and laws regarding sharing of photos, video, and streams.

    • Media Contacts

      • Coaches are encouraged to maintain relationships with media contacts

      • Coaches may contact reporters directly to request coverage

      • Requests for media coverage may be made to the SPS Communications Coordinator, who can write press releases or request media coverage by outside entities



    Announcements regarding athletic events, ticket sales, team excusals, results of games, etc., will be made at school sites with the principal’s approval.

    End of Season Summary

    1. Each head coach shall make an annual end-of-season report for their particular team or group.
    2. These reports should be given to the athletic director immediately after the conclusion of the season. The athletic director will compile reports.
    3. Any group that has a separate schedule, including junior varsity basketball, football, baseball and wrestling, will be included in these reports.
    4. The following form shall be followed in interscholastic reports:

    In making out the annual report for the various activities in our athletic program, follow this form as much as possible. At the top put your school, sport, your name, year, then use the following form:

    1. Schedule played and a result of games, meets or matches
    2. Indicate new records set for a season, as to individual names of squad members, indicate letter winners
    3. Performance, team scoring, etc., if known
    4. Special honors received by team members, if any

    Summer Camps

    Some SPS Athletics coaches choose to offer a variety of skills camps for players and younger future athletes. Participation in these camps is not an expectation of any head coach, assistant coach, or student athlete. Participation, or lack of participation, in summer skills camps shall not be used to determine a students ability to participate in, nor their position on, a team.
    • Contact the Athletic Department for details on how to start a summer camp.

    • Funding for these camps is not included in the SPS Athletics budget and is expected to be provided by participant tuition, booster donation, sponsorships, or other means.

    • Promotion of these events is the responsibility of the hosting coach. As a best practice, these events should be submitted to the SPS PR & Communications for inclusion in a published list of local summer camp opportunities.

    Youth Programs & Athlete Development

    All SPS Athletic Department staff shall work to maintain a knowledge of how young children can get involved with athletics even before formal participation in SPS Athletics programs. Any such opportunities should be submitted to the Athletic Director, Assistant Athletic Director, or PR & Communication Coordinator to be considered for inclusion under the Youth Programs section of related SPS sports websites. Examples include:
    • After school programs (at school sites and service providers in town)

    • Youth leagues through parks and recreation, organizations, and businesses.


    Booster clubs are a great way to help your team, by generating funds, coordinating volunteers, and helping to promote SPS sports. There are some limitations to what boosters can and can not do. Board Policy CFBB, Sanctioning of Parent Organizations, Booster Clubs, and Associations, details the criteria to be used in determining if an organization will be recognized (sanctioned) by the Stillwater Board of Education as a viable booster club. More information about Booster Clubs functions and limitations can be found in the Booster / Sanctioned Organization Handbook.

    Athletes & Families

    • All Athletic department staff and coaches should be completely familiar with the SPS Student Athlete / Parent Handbook
    • Communication between coach and player regarding any change in status on the team is essential.
    • All athletes will be encouraged to participate in all sports in which they show any interest. They will not be restricted in any way to any one sport by a coach.
    • When dealing with issues, it is important that the appropriate "chain of command" be followed: Assistant Coach > Coach > Assistant Athletic Director/Athletic Director > Principal > Superintendent

    Special Problems

    Questions, concerns and/or criticisms being directed towards specific athletic personnel and/or athletic policy by parent groups, community patrons or other special interest groups, shall be reported to and dealt with as soon as possible by the head coach of that particular athletic activity. Individuals critical of personnel or policy should be invited to visit specifically with the coach responsible for that particular school athletic activity. If problems persist, or if the responsible personnel feel the need for additional assistance, said problem should be related to the building principal. The principal in consultation with the director of athletics and activities and appropriate coaching personnel will review specific complaints

    Athletic Scholarships

    1. No person in the athletic department should, in any way, attempt to direct Stillwater School District athletes to a particular college or university.

    2. Upon request for help by the athlete’s parents or by the athlete, the coach may attempt to aid the student to enter the college or university of choice.

    3. Visiting college coaches shall not talk to athletes during school hours when it would interfere with their normal school day or athletic practice.

    4. NCAA rules and regulations concerning recruiting of high school athletes will be adhered to.

    Awards & Banquets

    At the conclusion of each athletic season or at the end of the academic year, coaches are encouraged to issue athletic letters and awards. If desires, these awards may be given at an awards banquet funded by booster club funds or tickets sold to participants; care should be taken to ensure that every student that wants to participate in such an event may do so. Examples of awards include include:
    • Certificate – All athletes in all grades that complete a season will receive a certificate for the year.

    • Special Awards – Each sport and the athletic department will provide special awards for outstanding performance.

    • Varsity Letter “S” – A letter “S” chenille letter will be awarded to senior athletes who letter on any varsity team.

    • Senior Plaques or Blankets – All seniors that letter will receive an award from the Pioneer Booster Club.

    Lettering Requirements

    There are general and specific standards to be met for an athlete to earn a letter from Stillwater Public Schools.

        1. General Standards: (must be met by all athletes)

          • The participant must maintain sportsmanship, training methods and regular attendance at practice sessions.

          • Athletes must remain on the team for the entire season unless excused by the coach.

          • Athletes must meet school and state requirements in academic work and school attendance.

        2. Specific Standards:

          • To be determined by the head coach of each sport

          • NOTE: Each head coach should have their lettering requirements in writing and have a copy on file in the athletic office.

OSSAA NIL Guidelines


    The OSSAA does not specifically prohibit students from engaging in certain commercial activities as an individual. These activities, commonly referred to as name, image and likeness (NIL) will not put a student’s amateur status at risk provided the student meets all the requirements for maintaining amateur status in compliance with Rule 5, and there is no violation of rules prohibiting influencing a student to attend or remain at a member school. (Rule 9) A student may earn compensation from the use of their name, image and likeness (NIL) in compliance with Rule 5, and Rule 9 provided:

    • The compensation is not contingent on specific athletic performance or achievement.
    • The compensation is not provided as an incentive to enroll or remain enrolled at a specific school.
    • The compensation is not provided by the school or any person acting as an agent for the school.

    In seeking compensation for name, image and likeness:

    • No “marks” may be used, including but not limited to school logos, school name, school mascot, or any trademarked OSSAA logo or acronyms.
    • No school apparel or equipment shall be worn which includes school name, school logo, school mascot, or any apparel displaying trademarked OSSAA logos or acronyms.
    • No member school facility may be used for the purpose of name, image and likeness compensation.
    • No activities in conflict with a member school’s local school district policy may be endorsed. Examples include but are not limited to tobacco or alcohol products.
    • Collegiate level associations should be contacted for any rules regarding name, image and likeness for students participating beyond the high school level.

    "After extensive research and diligence, the OSSAA has selected Eccker Sports as their partner to provide Name, Image and Likeness (NIL) education, guidance and support to the organization and our stakeholders across the state. Eccker Sports is the National leader in providing these services and have partnerships with 10 other states including Texas (Texas High School Coaches Association), Louisiana, New York, Massachusetts and Mississippi among others. On a statewide basis, Eccker has partnered with the Bedford Agency, led by Bryan Bedford who is a longtime friend and associate of the OSSAA and someone well known in sports circles around the state. Bryan will provide a personal touch to the relationship, act as a liaison between the parties and support the activations of the various NIL and educational programs Eccker provides throughout the state."

Stillwater Public Schools Non-discrimination Statement

  • The Stillwater Board of Education is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination. There will be no discrimination in this district on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, sex, pregnancy, gender, gender expression or identity, disability, genetic information, veteran status, sexual orientation or age in its employment, programs and activities. This policy will prevail in all matters concerning staff, students, the public, employment, admissions, financial aid, educational programs, events, and services, facilities access, and individuals, companies, and firms with whom the board does business. The district also provides equal access to the Boy Scouts of America and other designated youth groups.

    The following administrator has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the district’s non-discrimination policies:

    • Section 504/Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (for questions or complaints based on disability)
    • Title VI of the Civil Rights Act (for questions or complaints based on race, color and national origin)
    • Title IX (for questions or complaints based on sex, pregnancy, gender, gender expression or identity)
    • Age Act (for questions or complaints based on age)

    In addition, any individual who has experienced some other form of discrimination, including discrimination not listed above, may contact:

    Director of Human Resources
    Stillwater Public Schools
    314 South Lewis
    Stillwater, OK 74074
    [email protected]
    District Title IX Coordinator - Chief Human Resources Officer
    District Title IX Investigators - Principals / Supervisors
    District Title IX Decision Makers - SPS District Administrators

    Outside assistance may be obtained from:

    U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights
    One Petticoat Lane, 1010 Walnut Street, Suite 320
    Kansas City, MO 64106
    816-268-0550; 816-268-0599 (fax); 877-521-2172 (TTY)

    Racial discrimination shall include racial slurs or other demeaning remarks concerning another person's race, ancestry, or country of origin and directed toward an employee, a student or a visitor.

    Stillwater Public Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, sex, pregnancy, gender, gender expression or identity, disability, genetic information, veteran status, sexual orientation or age in its employment, programs and activities.