1 to 1 Device Program - Pioneers Achieving and Connecting with Technology

  • PACT - Pioneers Achieving & Connecting w/ TechnologyStillwater Public School is committed to our mission: Champion academic and personal growth for every student. The Stillwater PACT initiative is an extension of that mission as we prepare students for life and work in a digitally and technologically rich world. This initiative ensures a one device per student ratio at all levels within Stillwater Public Schools. Students in 2nd-7th grade will be provided a device in their homeroom classrooms that they will use throughout the school day. Students in 8th-12th grade will receive a device at schedule pickup and be responsible for the device throughout the school year. Additionally, all certified staff will receive a Chromebook to facilitate their work. 

    SPS is known for students that perform exceptionally well academically and we recognize that allowing students to explore their interests gets them excited about learning and school. Issuing devices to students will not change the fundamentals of how they learn and engage at school, but it will enhance and enrich their learning environments in ways not possible otherwise.


    Statement of Ownership

    Stillwater Public Schools retains sole ownership of all devices and grants permission to the student to use the device per the rules and guidelines set forth in this handbook, the Device Acceptance Agreement, and the district’s Responsible Use Policy. Failure to adhere to these policies and guidelines can result in disciplinary actions deemed appropriate by SPS policy including, but not limited to, revocation of access to SPS technologies and networks and/or device confiscation. SPS reserves the right to monitor and log the use of its technology and network by users and examine user files and materials when deemed necessary. SPS staff retain the right to collect, inspect, and/or confiscate the device at any time, including via electronic remote access and to alter, add, or delete installed software. There is no expectation of privacy while using SPS computers, networks, or technology (SPS Board Policy 2000.2260).

    Permission to use the device extends to school breaks and holidays, including summer. For record keeping purposes, SPS reserves the right to audit devices at any time. 


    Device Usage, Conduct, & Responsibility

    SPS devices and networks are governed by the following rules and guidelines. Students who do not follow these rules and guidelines will be subject to disciplinary action. These rules apply to any use of SPS network resources—on or off campus. Network Resources include, but are not limited to, computers, tablets, printers, scanners or other peripherals (keyboards, mice, monitors...), email, web services, servers, network files and folders, and all other technology related equipment (SPS Board Policy EFBCA). 


    Students will:

    • Keep usernames, passwords, and personal information confidential.

    • Use appropriate language and be respectful of others.

    • Observe and respect license and copyright agreements.

    • Be responsible for device care and maintenance.

    • Take appropriate steps to report damaged, lost, or stolen devices.

    • Promptly relinquish possession of a device upon request.

    Students will not:

    • Alter, add, or delete files or software not approved by SPS or that are intended to defeat,disable, or delete district web filters, device settings, and/or network configuration settings.

    • Attempt to gain unauthorized access to password protected areas of SPS networks.

    • Download or stream large, Internet-based music, video, or image files not relevant to schoolwork as this can slow access for all users—the network will be monitored for violations.

    • Access, view, download, stream, display, transmit, create, or otherwise possess or disseminate material that contains pornographic, obscene, sexually explicit, pervasively lewd and vulgar,indecent or inappropriate language, text, sounds, or visual depictions.

    • Use district networks or devices to harass, bully, or cyber-bully any group or individual as defined by SPS Board Policy.

    • Access the data or account of another MPS student or staff member.

    • Engage in any pre-meditated activity that is likely to cause substantial disruption of the school operations and learning environments.

    • Forward or generate “SPAM” email, unsolicited commercial email, or “junk” email.

    • View, scroll or participate in I.M. (instant messaging), chat rooms, forums, or discussion boards during class unless such activities are related to academic expectations set forth by a teacher.

    • Record or stream audio and/or video of staff or students without their knowledge and consent, including, but not limited to webcams, laptops, cameras, cell phones, or other digital devices


    District Content Filtering & Content Monitoring 

    In compliance with the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA), SPS will take every practical step to keep students safe when using technology. The district utilizes an Internet filtering system to prevent users from accessing websites with visual depictions that are obscene; pornographic; or, with respect to student use, harmful to minors. The district also prevents students from accessing other material that is inappropriate for school-aged students (as determined by district staff and school principals). Filtering systems have limitations and cannot be expected to be 100% effective.

    SPS has the right, but not the duty, to monitor all aspects of students’ computer and network use including, but not limited to, sites students visit, students’ files and folders, and student communications including email, chats, all forms of messaging, blogging, vlogging, and online discussion boards and/or forums. District staff have the right and the authority to review or monitor, with or without prior notice, the content of all forms of electronic communication for any reason. Reasons may include, but are not limited to, retrieval of information, investigation or resolution of network problems, prevention of system misuse, ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory requests, and enforcement of district prescribed policies and guidelines. SPS reserves the right to review, inspect the content of, and monitor all information residing on all computers and file servers for such purposes. Students waive any right to privacy in anything they create, store, send, disseminate or receive on district computers and computer network systems, including the Internet.

    Student email may be monitored by a third-party to alert the district to policy or safety concerns, but issues may only be addressed by district employees on days that school is in session from the hours of 8am to 4:30pm. The district encourages and supports parents/guardians to monitor their child’s email account and their communications, but not to communicate using their child’s account. 


    Digital Citizenship 

    Stillwater Public Schools aims to equip students to engage in online and digital environments safely and students are expected to use good digital citizenship practices while using district technology. Stillwater Public Schools utilizes Common Sense Media’s Digital Citizenship curriculum to address topics like appropriate online behavior, including interacting with other individuals and cyberbullying awareness and response. Additional information about this curriculum can be found at Common Sense Education



    There is no expectation of privacy while using SPS computers, networks, or technology. The district reserves the right to monitor, inspect, copy, review, and store at any time and without prior notice any and all usage of the network, software, systems, devices, accounts, or Internet and any and all information transmitted or received in connection with such usage. All such data shall be and remain the property of the school district and no user shall have any expectation of privacy regarding such materials. Information may be used with third-party services to create accounts or reports for educational purposes, but only when approved by the superintendent or designee(s). Any data shared with third-parties will be the minimum required.


    Home Internet Access

    Students may use a district issued device to access the Internet at home or in public spaces. The district utilizes Eduroam, a global wireless network access service that provides users wireless access at participating institutions. While connected to the Eduroam network, Eduroam’s Acceptable Use Policy (https://sps.blue/eduroam-aup) also applies. Users accessing Eduroam offsite at participating institutions will be subject to the institution’s network policies. Typically, SPS Internet filtering will not be active on other institution’s networks. Eduroam networks can be found here


    Message to Students: When outside of school, stewardship of your district-issued device is transferred to your parent(s)/legal guardian(s). Their rules about Internet and device usage are applicable to your district-issued device. Plan to complete assignments and other academic activities within the parameters of the rules at your home.


    Charging the Device 

    For 8th-12th grade students, the Stillwater PACT initiative is a full take-home program meaning students may take their devices home and are responsible for bringing them to school, fully charged, each day. It is the student’s responsibility to maintain the charging cord. The device should only be charged with a school issued cord. It is extremely important that students bring their devices to school fully charged each day as teachers will plan lessons and classroom activities based on each student having a device in his/her possession. 


    Downloading Programs 

    Approved programs, applications, and extensions will be installed by the SPS Technology Department or be made available for self-install through internal resources pre-installed on student devices. Students may not download, install, or use any software in violation of applicable copyright and license agreements.


    Personalizing the Device 

    Students may not personalize the device with stickers and/or decals

    Students may not permanently alter the device with markings, drawings, paint, or etchings of any kind. Students will be responsible for any damages caused by the application or removal of stickers and/or decals.


    IMPORTANT: Each device is easily identifiable by a unique, barcoded number (Asset Tag) that is placed on the device by the SPS Technology Department. This tag may not be altered, covered, or removed.



    The district will not provide device accessories or peripherals such as mice, stylus pens, earbuds, headphones, sleeves, cases, covers etc. Accessories may be purchased at students’ sole expense. The district will not provide maintenance, repair, or support for any student purchased accessories. 

    **The use of headphones/earbuds in class and/or during study times is at the teacher/supervisor’s discretion.


    Student Education in Safe & Appropriate Technology Use 

    Legal Issues & Jurisdiction

    Because the district owns and operates the equipment and software that compose our technology resources, the school may take steps that ensure devices and networks are used legally and in compliance with district policies. Any illegal use of resources is prohibited (per acceptable use policy EFBCA). All content or messages created, sent, accessed or downloaded using SPS resources is subject to the rules stated in district policies and applicable laws. SPS monitors its technology and may investigate electronic incidents even if they happen after school hours or outside of school. The district reserves the right, if needed, and at its sole discretion, to remotely access, open, examine, and/or delete electronic files or messages and/or change configurations to address situations suspected of violating district policies or applicable laws. 



    Any student who violates the rules and expectations relative to this Handbook and/or Responsible Use Policy will be subject to disciplinary action. If there is evidence that a violation has occurred, then a SPS administrator or designee will decide appropriate consequences in accordance with school policy and the law. Disciplinary action could include, but is not limited to, verbal warnings, loss of technology privileges, suspension, or expulsion from school. In addition, inappropriate use of a district device or network may result in the user losing his/her right to use the device and/or take it home and/or fine(s) assessed due to intentional/negligent damage or lost/stolen devices or accessories (SPS Board Policy FO). SPS will cooperate fully with local, state, or federal officials in any investigation related to any illegal activities conducted through the school’s electronic system or devices. 


    Damaged, Lost, or Stolen Devices 

    Devices that are damaged, lost, or stolen must be reported to the school’s Library Media Specialist. District personnel will determine if the damage, loss, or theft is due to accidental or negligent conduct. 

    Negligence can include, but is not limited to:

    • leaving equipment unattended and/or in an unlocked area;
    • allowing the device to be used by individuals other than parents/legal guardians;
    • using equipment in an unsafe environment;
    • using the equipment in an unsafe manner;
    • not adhering to the care reminders listed in this handbook.

    Replacing Irreparably Damaged, Lost, or Stolen Devices

    SPS will replace devices that are irreparably damaged, lost or stolen. In cases involving student negligence, the district reserves the right to place restrictions on student access to the device including, but not limited to, when and where the student has access to the device.

    The technology fee, collected at the time of enrollment, will provide 100% insurance coverage of the first incidence of damage. The second incidence of damage will require a $25 fee to cover the cost of repair. A third incidence of damage will require a $50 fee. Additional repair and replacement expectations will be assessed upon the return of the device and will be at the total expense of the parent/guardian. Acts of intentional damage, lost Chromebook or charger will not be covered by the technology fee

    Estimated repair costs for Chromebooks are: 

    • Lost or totaled: $250 standard screen / $300 touch screen
    • Charger (damaged or lost): $30
    • Plastic casing (cracked or damaged): $40
    • Ports/motherboard: $100
    • Keyboard: $50
    • Trackpad/Palm rest: $50
    • Webcam: $25
    • Screen bezel: $35
    • Screen: $65 standard screen/ $100 touch screen
    • Removal of stickers or cleaning: $25
    • Missing or damaged SPS tags: $25

    Estimated repair costs for hotspots are: 

    • Lost or damaged: $85
    • Charger (damaged or lost): $25
    • Removal of stickers or cleaning: $25
    • Missing or damaged SPS tags: $25

    Stolen Devices

    A police report must be filed for any device reported as stolen. Any individual found to be in possession of a device that has been classified as lost or stolen will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including expulsion and prosecution in a court of law.

    If the student leaves the school district and does not turn in the device, SPS will make a reasonable effort to recover the device. If those efforts are unsuccessful, the device will be processed as “stolen”.

    Devices classified as “lost” or “stolen” will be remotely disabled and rendered useless via district asset control and management protocols.

    Device Care & Maintenance 

    Students are expected to follow all the guidelines listed in this document and take any additional common-sense precautions to protect their assigned device.

    General Care

    • Treat this device with as much care as you would your own property.
    • Do not attempt to remove or change the physical structure of the device, including the keys, screen cover or plastic casing.
    • Do not remove or interfere with the serial number, asset tag, or any identification placed on the device.
    • Do not do anything to the device that will permanently alter it in any way.
    • Backup your data. Never consider any electronic information safe when stored on only one device.
    • Close the lid of the device when it is not in use to save battery and protect the screen.
    • Never walk from one location to another with an open computer. This is applicable at school and at home.


    Keep the Device in a Safe Place

    • The device should never be left unattended.
    • The device should not be left on the floor where it might be stepped on, or within reach of small children or pets.
    • Avoid positioning the device in a manner that may block airflow to cooling vents.
    • Avoid storing the device in a car other than in a locked trunk.
    • Avoid exposing the device to extreme temperatures (less than 32°F or more than 77°F) for prolonged periods.

    Devices left unattended may be confiscated by faculty or staff as a protection against theft. Unattended and unlocked equipment, if stolen, including at school, will be the student’s responsibility.