• Stillwater Pioneers Logo - PALS - Pioneer After-school Learning Services

Parent Handbook

  • Updated 05/22/2024


    The Pioneer After-School Learning Services (PALS) program allows Stillwater Public Schools’ children to stay at school. This convenient program is affordable and offers premium care for children Pre-K through 5th. Healthy snacks are provided and each site has a certified teacher to help with tutoring/homework needs. Daily activities range from recreation and games to arts and crafts, reading, music, time to finish school assignments, and "free time" for children to pursue their favorite interests. The Pioneer PALS maintains a fully trained staff that will provide a safe, caring environment for all children. The program maintains a 1:15 student ratio.


    After school child care - 2:45 PM to 5:30 PM Monday-Thursday and Friday 2:00-5:30 (early release days) ONLY ON DAYS THAT SCHOOL IS IN SESSION. The program starts at 2:45 PM and closes at 5:30 PM. All students need to be picked up no later than 5:30 PM each day. Fees will be applied for late pick up. An overtime fee of $1.00 per minute for late pick up is to be paid on the day of the offense.

    *Chronic late pick up can be cause for dismissal from the program.



    If school is closed due to inclement weather, PALS will not be in session. If school is let out early due to weather conditions, parents will be expected to pick up their child immediately. There will be no child care if school is closed for weather or for an unexpected emergency and no refunds will be given.



    You may contact the PALS District Facilitator, Kristy Ramsey, at 405-707-5005 or [email protected]



    PALS programming will participate in the following:

    • Dedicate at least 20%, or at least 30 minutes (whichever is more), of program time to physical activity, which includes a mixture of moderate to vigorous physical activity.
    • Utilize outdoor space for physical activity as much as possible each day (weather permitting with appropriate protection from the elements.)
    • Provide equal opportunities for children with disabilities to be physically active.
    • Encourage staff to join children in physical activity whenever possible.
    • Limit monitored screen time to less than 60 minutes per day to be used only for homework, educational or physical activity purposes, or as a special activity.



    Outdoor time is planned daily except on days of inclement weather or if the heat/cold is too severe. All children will be afforded the opportunity to go outdoors.



    Nutritious snacks will be provided by the program, with guidance from the Stillwater Public Schools nutrition department. If your child requires a special diet, please contact the PALS district facilitator, Kristy Ramsey ([email protected]).



    The traditional tuition rate for PALS is $255/month for 10 months (August-May). Please contact Kristy Ramsey ([email protected]) for the multiple child rate, the SPS employee rate, and information regarding financial assistance.

    Fees are based upon enrollment rather than attendance, and credit will not be given for absences, early withdrawal, school closures, or holiday breaks.

    If a student withdraws from the program for one month their slot is not guaranteed unless monthly payment is made as if the child was in attendance. If a family chooses to return they will be required to pay the $25.00 registration fee for re-enrollment if slots are available at their site. Initial payment is due the first day of school (August 15, 2024). All other payments will be due on the first day of each month (or the first Monday of the month-see chart below). There will be a total of 10 payments for the school year. Statements will NOT be sent. It is the parent's responsibility to pay on time. If payment is not received by the 5th of the month, a $15.00 late fee will be assessed. Any account not paid in full by the 10th of each month will result in a temporary suspension of attendance until the account is brought current unless other written arrangements have been made with the PALS District Facilitator, Kristy Ramsey. Accounts past due over 15 days will result in dismissal from the program. A family who frequently makes late payments (without written arrangements made with the district facilitator for a different pay schedule) may be asked to leave the program.

    If you plan to withdraw your child from the PALS program at any time, written notice to the PALS District Facilitator is required. We cannot prorate tuition if a child withdraws mid-month.


    Returned checks will be handled by the district accounting department. Check writer will receive a letter from Stillwater Public Schools with directions on how to resolve any returned checks, which may include up to a $25.00 return check fee.



    Financial assistance for child care may be available for qualifying families. Please contact the PALS District Facilitator at 405-707-5005 for more information. 



    Copies of all payments made for the year will be sent to each site for distribution to PALS families no later than January 31st of each year for tax purposes. Statements for dependent care reimbursement may be requested by contacting the PALS District Facilitator. 



    If a child becomes ill or injured during program hours, on or off site, the site facilitator or a designated staff member will contact the parent/guardian or the alternative emergency number. Parents or an alternate may be required to come pick up the child from the program. All SPS policies regarding illnesses will be followed during PALS hours and if a child in PALS is found to have a temperature of 100* or more they will not be able to return to school or PALS until they have been temperature free without medication for 24 hours.



    1. The program site facilitator or a designated staff member will call the parents. If neither parent/guardian can be contacted, the next step will be taken.
    2. If the parent/guardian has listed an alternative emergency number, that number will be tried: for example: a grandparent, neighbor, or close friend. If those individuals cannot be contacted then Step 3 will be followed.
    3. The student will be taken by ambulance to the emergency room at Stillwater Medical Center.
    4. The hospital can provide treatment only when parental permission has been obtained. It is suggested that the parent/guardian have on file with the hospital a signed notarized permission release to treat their child.
    5. The program’s responsibility ends after the student has been transported to the emergency room.
    6. The program personnel may stay with the child until a parent/guardian comes to the hospital.


    Children will be released only to persons who have been authorized by the parents or guardian and upon providing a photo ID. All persons must be on the emergency pick up list. In the event someone not listed is picking the child up, permission must be given in writing. Each child needs to be signed out when picked up so that we have a record of who picked up each child and when they left the PALS program.



    Students enrolling in the PALS program must be able to take care of all toileting needs.* We understand that young children may have occasional accidents, but because of limited personnel, we are not able to make accommodations for children who may require more frequent assistance with their toileting needs. Parents are responsible for providing an adequate supply of clean clothes should their child require a change AND/OR for picking up their child in a timely manner if a change of clothes is not available. PALS teachers do not have access to extra clothing that may be in a child’s classroom.

    *With the exception of children eligible for special education under the Individuals with Disabilities Act or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.



    It is the parent’s responsibility to inform the district facilitator BEFORE enrollment of any accommodations, needs, requirements, or attention their child receives during the school day that would also affect his/her care while in the program. This includes, but is not limited to: allergies, diet requirements, one-on-one aide, IEP, 504, etc. While the PALS program works in close relation with the school system, sometimes this kind of information is not passed on to the child care program.



    The Pioneer PALS program agrees to provide a safe, fun program for students who need after school care. The following policies are based on an understanding of individual needs, the development and promotion of self-discipline, and acceptable behavior. A positive reinforcement approach that encourages self-esteem, self-control, and self-direction will be used. ALL SPS school policies will be followed during Pioneer PALS hours.

    The site program staff will ensure that discipline and guidance are consistent for all children. When there is a discipline problem, the following actions may be taken:

    Step 1: The incident(s) will be documented by the site facilitator and discussed with the parent at pick up or by phone call before pick up.

    Step 2: If the child’s behavior continues to be a problem, a conference will be scheduled to discuss a Behavior Plan, outlining appropriate behavior expectations, unacceptable behavior, and possible future consequences.

    Step 3: If a child’s behavior continues to be a disruption to the center, the child may be suspended or dismissed from the program at the discretion of the District Facilitator.

    If a child is suspended from school, the child may not attend PALS during the suspension time.

    At any time, a parent may be requested to pick up their child from the program early due to behavior. PALS reserves the right to send home, suspend, or dismiss a child immediately for violating any of the following:

    • Inflicting physical harm to oneself or another individual, including adults
    • Threatening or bullying other children or adults
    • Destruction of property
    • Inappropriate touching of another individual
    • Possession of a weapon
    • Leaving the program area without permission



    If a parent or emergency contact is called by a PALS teacher or the district facilitator with a request to pick up a child early because of a behavior issue, illness, or toileting incident, it is expected that the pick up will happen in a timely manner. Please make sure all contact information is correct and up-to-date in case the primary contact for your child is not able to pick up in a timely manner. PALS requires that at least one contact for your child is able to be reached by phone AND is able to respond to phone calls immediately. If our inability to reach you by phone becomes a problem (ie: happens repeatedly) this may be cause for dismissal from the program.


    Parents/Guardians are responsible:

    1. For notifying the program if their child will not be in attendance.

    2. For notifying the program in writing when another authorized person is picking up their child.

    3. For notifying the program if withdrawing their child from the program.

    4. For respecting program hours by arriving no later than 5:30 to pick up their child.

    5. *For keeping their child’s records up to date with changes in phone number, address, emergency contacts, and legal information. Please contact Kristy Ramsey with any changes or updates to your information, pick up list, or emergency contacts.

    6. *For providing correct contact information so that someone may be reached immediately by phone in case of an emergency or need for immediate communication. Again, please contact Kristy Ramsey with any changes to your information.

    7. For informing the site facilitator and district facilitator if their child needs special attention which is not already indicated on their enrollment form. For example: a special crisis in the child’s life, a death in the family, changes at home, changes regarding custody arrangements.

    8. For paying fees on time. Frequent late payers may be asked to leave the program.

    9. For ensuring any child in Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten has a change of clothes labeled with the child’s name, in the event of a toileting accident.

    10. Ensuring personal items brought to PALS are labeled with their child's name.

    11. For retaining receipts for tax purposes. The PALS TAX ID NUMBER IS 73-6021194.


    The PALS program will begin with the first day of school and close on the last day of school. PALS will only serve children during the days that school is in session.


    • September 2 --- Labor Day
    • October 16-18 --- Teacher Work Day and School Holiday
    • November 25-29 --- Thanksgiving Break
    • December 23-31 --- Winter Break
    • January 1-6 --- Winter Break Continued
    • January 20 --- School Holiday
    • February 17 --- Teacher Work Day
    • March 17-21 --- Spring Break
    • April 18 Teacher --- Work Day
    • May 2 Teacher --- Professional Day


    It is discouraged for PALS students to bring personal items such as toys, electronics, and cell phones to PALS. The PALS program and staff will not be held responsible for any lost, stolen, or broken items brought into PALS from home.


    We realize that custody situations can be very complex and stressful. Please be respectful of all children and staff in the PALS program when managing custody matters by keeping all custody disputes away from the school and PALS environment. All custody court orders need to be up to date, and a copy on file with PALS in order for staff to comply with mandates listed within the documents. Any arrangements on joint payments need to be agreed upon by both parents prior to enrolling in PALS and keeping up with those arrangements throughout the year will be each parent’s responsibility. If one parent refuses to pay, it will be up to the other parent to pay the full amount in order to keep their child in PALS.


    Highland Park Elementary -- (405) 533-6350 

    Richmond Elementary -- (405) 533-6400 

    Sangre Ridge Elementary -- (405) 533-6360 

    Skyline Elementary -- (405) 533-6390 

    Westwood Elementary -- (405) 533-6370 

    Will Rogers Elementary -- (405) 533-6380