
  • Homework

    School Board Policy EIB

    Homework given by teachers to students should be to supplement, complement and reinforce classroom teaching and learning.  Homework shall be related to the school's aims and philosophy of education.


    Late Work

    Late work acceptance will vary based on individual teachers. These practices should be clearly conveyed in writing to students and parents at the start of the school year/semester.


    Make-Up Work

    Students who are absent because of a school activity, family trip, or other such activity will be expected to obtain assignments before departing and have them completed upon returning to school.  

    • Work missed during excused absences should be made up.
    • Students will have the same number of days to make up the work as the student missed 
      • Additional time may be granted by the teacher  
    • No penalty shall be assessed for make up work completed for excused absences.  
    • Exams/tests announced during the student's presence shall be made up on the day the student returns to class.  
      • Should the student be absent at the time the test is announced and thus is not aware of the scheduled test, the student shall have the same number of days to make up the test(s) as the student missed unless additional time is granted by the teacher.  

    Any exceptions to this procedure shall be determined by the building principal.

    Extra Credit

    Extra credit (up to the discretion of each teacher), if used, should:

    • total no more than 5% of the nine (9) weeks grade
    • be made available to all students in any given class
    • be supported with some form of written work
    • be part of the syllabus/course outline

    If suggested extra credit projects would require the expenditure of money, teachers must provide alternate forms of extra credit projects which do not involve spending money.

    It will not be given for:

    • Canned food drives
    • Attendance at sporting events
    • Running errands

    Progress Reports & Grades

    At the end of each nine-week period, progress reports/grades are prepared for students and parents. Parents are invited to contact their child’s teacher with questions. 

    Grading Scale:  

    • A = 90-100 
    • B = 80–89
    • C = 70-79
    • D = 60-69
    • F = Below 59.5

    Monitoring Your Child's Progress

    School Board Policy EFBCA-R3


    The Parent Portal

    The Parent Portal allows students/parents access to information about their schedule, attendance, and grades via the web and mobile apps.

    Visit the portal page for more information.


    Parent/Teacher Conferences 

    Parents are encouraged to attend parent/teacher conferences due to the importance of working together for the student’s education and keeping communication open and ongoing. Parent/teacher conference days are noted on the district calendar.

    Promotions and Retention

    School Board Policy EIA

    Each child develops physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially at an individual rate. Therefore, for some children, more than twelve years of public education are necessary to achieve the minimal standards of an appropriate education. Placement in elementary, middle and junior high school grade levels will be based upon:

    • Maturity (emotional, social, mental, and physical)
    • Chronological age
    • School attendance
    • Effort
    • Progress and grade marks achieved.  
    • Standardized test results 

    A team including the principal, teachers and parents will convene to review all data to determine the need for retention.

    Graduation Requirements

    Board Policy EIED

    The Stillwater Public Schools Board of Education recognizes that a 12-year course of study in certain specific subject areas has proven to be beneficial in assisting students to become productive citizens and to prepare for advanced study. A minimum of 26 units of credit must be earned in the subject areas listed below to be eligible for graduation. All students, in order to graduate will be required to complete the “college preparatory/work ready curriculum units or sets of competencies” at the secondary level. A student will be allowed to enroll in the core curriculum in lieu of the requirements of the college preparatory/work ready curriculum upon the written approval of the parent or legal guardian of the student. Current state graduation requirements will be deemed to be the core curriculum option. 

    College Preparatory/Work-Ready Curriculum for High School Graduation

    • 4 Units of English
      to include Grammar, Composition, Literature or any English course approved for college admission requirements

    • 3 Units of Mathematics
      limited to Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, Trigonometry, Math Analysis, Calculus, Advanced Placement Statistics, or any mathematics course with content or rigor above Algebra I and
      approved for college admission requirements

    • 3 Units or Sets of Competencies in Science
      • 1 unit of life science, meeting the standards for Biology 1 (Biology, AP Biology)
      • 1 unit of physical science, meeting the standards for Physical Science, Physics, or Chemistry (Physical Science, Physics, Chemistry)
      • 1 unit from the domains of Physical Science, Life Science, or Earth and Space Science such that content and rigor is above Biology 1 or Physical Science (e.g., LS: Zoology, Forensics, Genetics; PS: Chemistry, Physics, AP Chemistry, AP Physics; ESS: Meteorology, Geology, Astronomy, Oceanography, Environmental Science)

    • 3 Units of History and Citizenship Skills
      • 1 unit of American History,
      • ½ unit of Oklahoma History
      • ½ unit of United States Government
      • 1 unit from the subjects of History, Government, Geography, Economics, Civics or non-Western culture and approved for college admission requirements

    • 2 Units of the same Foreign or non-English language, or 2 Units of Computer Technology
      approved for college admission requirements, whether taught at the high school or technology center school, including computer programming, hardware, and business computer applications, such as word processing, databases, spreadsheets and graphics

    • 1 Unit additional unit
      selected from the above categories or career and technology education courses, concurrently enrolled course, Advanced Placement courses or International Baccalaureate courses approved for college admission requirements
    • 1 Unit of Fine Arts such as music, art or drama, or 1 Unit of Speech

    • ½ Unit of Personal Financial Literacy

    • Additional units of core or elective subjects to reach 26 units of credit

    Core Curriculum for High School Graduation

    • 4 Units or Sets of Competencies in Language Arts:
      • 1 unit of Grammar and Composition, and
      • 3 units which may include, but are not limited to the following courses: American Literature, English Literature, World Literature, Advanced English courses, or other English courses with content or rigor equal to or above grammar and composition.

    • 3 Units of Sets of Competencies in Mathematics:
      • 1 unit of Algebra I or Algebra I taught in a contextual methodology, and 
      • 2 units which may include, but are not limited to the following courses: Algebra II, Geometry or Geometry taught in a contextual methodology, Trigonometry, Math Analysis or Precalculus, Calculus, Statistics or Probability, Computer Science I, Computer Science II, Mathematics of Finance, Intermediate Algebra.

    • 3 Units or Sets of Competencies in Science:
      • 1 unit of Biology I or Biology I taught in a contextual methodology, and
      • 2 units in the area of life, physical or earth science or technology, which may include, but are not limited to the following courses: Chemistry I, Physics, Biology II, Chemistry II, Physical Science, Earth Science, Botany, Zoology, Physiology, Astronomy, Applied Biology/Chemistry, Applied Physics, Principles of Technology, qualified agricultural education courses such as Horticulture, Plant and Soil Science, Natural Resources and Environmental Science and Animal Science.

    • 3 Units or Sets of Competencies in Social Studies:
      • 1 unit of United States History
      • ½ to 1 unit of United States Government
      • ½ unit of Oklahoma History, and
      • ½ to 1 unit which many include, but are not limited to the following courses: World History, Geography, Economics, Anthropology or other social studies courses with content or rigor equal to or above United States History, United States Government and Oklahoma History.

    • 1 unit in The Arts
      which may include Visual Arts and General Music

    • 1 unit in Computer Technology
      including Computer Programming, Hardware and Business Computer Applications.

    • ½ Unit of Personal Financial Literacy

    • Additional units of core or elective subjects to reach 26 units of credit.

    Credit may be earned for the above-reference classes when the courses are taken in the 7th or 8th grades if the teachers are certified or authorized by law to teach the subjects for high school credit and the required course rigor is maintained.

    Students will not be allowed to earn credit more than once for completion of the same unit or set of competencies.

    All students in grades 9 through 12 are required to enroll in a minimum of six (6) periods, or the equivalent in block scheduling, of rigorous academic or career and technology courses each day.

    Students who transfer into this district from out of state after their junior year of high school shall not be denied, because of differing graduation requirements, the opportunity to be awarded a standard diploma.

    Courses offered by a supplemental education organization that is accredited by a national accrediting body and that are taught by a certified teacher and which provide for the teaching and learning of the appropriate skills and knowledge in the Oklahoma Academic Standards may, upon approval of the State Board of Education and the Stillwater Public Schools Board of Education, be counted for academic credit and toward meeting state graduation requirements.

    All students shall be required to receive instruction in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and the awareness of the purpose of an automated external defibrillator at least once between ninth grade and high school graduation. A school administrator may waive this requirement for an eligible student who has a disability. A student may also be excused from this requirement if a parent of the student objects in writing.

    In order to graduate with a standard diploma, students entering the 9th grade prior to or during the 2016-2017 school year, must complete 26 units of credit and have participated in any of the following: 

    1. The Oklahoma State Testing Program
    2. If a student has not had the opportunity to participate in the Oklahoma State Testing Program, a state testing program from another state other than Oklahoma or a nationally recognized assessment, such as ACT or SAT, will be accepted.

    Beginning with ninth graders in the 2021-2022 school year students are required to pass the United State naturalization test, in order to graduate from a public high school accredited by the State Board of Education. The United States naturalization test will be provided at least once per school year, beginning as early as eighth grade. Students must score a 60% to pass the test and may retake the exam upon request and as often as desired until earning a passing score. Students with disabilities whose individualized education program (IEP), consistent with state law, indicates that the student is to be assessed with alternative achievement standards through the Oklahoma Alternative Assessment Program (OAAP) will be exempt.

    Junior High Requirements 

    Information  on specific courses and elective options are available from the junior high office. 

    Eighth graders must enroll in six courses: 

    • Language Arts
    • Social Studies
    • Mathematics
    • Physical Science
    • Two electives each semester

    Ninth graders are required to enroll in six courses:

    • English
    • Oklahoma History/Government
    • Mathematics
    • Physical Science
    • Two, year-long electives

    Middle School Requirements

    Information on specific courses and elective options are available from the middle school office. 

    Sixth graders must enroll in six courses: 

    • Math
    • Language Arts
    • Science
    • World Studies
    • 2 Electives

    Seventh graders are required to enroll in six units of work:

    • Math
    • Language Arts
    • Science
    • World Studies
    • 2 Electives

    Academic Dishonesty

    Academic dishonesty such as use cheating, plagiarizing, paying for homework, or other actions deemed to be inappropriate are not permitted and will warrant disciplinary action.


    Examples of cheating include:

    1. Copying from another student’s test paper, assignment, or project,
    2. Allowing another student to copy from a test paper, assignment, or project,
    3. Using the course textbook or other material such as a notebook brought to a class meeting but not authorized for use during a test,
    4. Collaborating during a test with any other person by giving or receiving information without authorization,
    5. Using specifically prepared materials during a test, e.g., notes, formula lists, notes written on the student’s clothing, etc.,
    6. Taking a test for another student or allowing someone else to take a test for you.


    Plagiarism is the unacknowledged inclusion of someone else’s words, ideas, or data as one’s own work.  When a student submits work for credit that includes the words, ideas or data of others, the source of that information must be acknowledged through complete, accurate, and specific footnote references, and, if verbatim statements are included, through quotation marks as well.  By placing their name on work submitted for credit, the student certifies the originality of all work not otherwise identified by appropriate acknowledgments. 

    For Stillwater Pioneer Virtual Academy students, all writing assignments are checked for plagiarism with Edgenuity’s plagiarism checker. Students that have committed plagiarism will receive a 0 on that assignment.  Students do have the option of redoing that assignment one time if they choose.  If the assignment comes back plagiarized after the redo then the grade of 0 is permanent. 

    A student will avoid being charged with plagiarism if proper credit is given:

    1. Whenever one quotes another person’s actual words;
    2. Wherever one uses another person’s idea, opinion, or theory, even if it is completely paraphrased in one’s own words; or
    3. Whenever one borrows facts, statistics, or other illustrative materials unless the information is common knowledge.

    Disciplinary Action

    When a student is suspected of academic dishonesty:

    1. The student will be given the opportunity to respond to the allegation.
    2. Students found to be cheating will receive a “zero” for the test or assignment.
    3. Physical evidence of cheating and/or documentation of a student/teacher conference regarding cheating is filed with the principal.  Documentation is placed in a locked file in the main office.
    4. The teacher administers the punishment that is deemed appropriate.  
    5. The parent will be notified.

    Repeated Cheating

    The second instance of cheating will require that a checklist of behaviors be sent to each teacher to help determine if this is a general or a particular problem, and then a conference will be held with the student and their parents.  Consequences of further cheating will be explained to the student and parents.

    The third instance of cheating in the same class will result in the student being dropped from the class and given an “F” in the course after the parents are notified.