- Stillwater Public Schools
- Enroll
Welcome to Stillwater Public Schools!
We're excited that your family will be joining our district! You will need the following documents and the ability to upload them digitally:
Proof of Stillwater residence (i.e. lease/mortgage statement or current utility bill)
State-certified birth certificate or passport
In accordance with Title 70 Oklahoma School Immunization Law 1210.191. for school enrollment, a parent or guardian shall provide one of the following:
Current, up-to-date immunization records; or
A completed and signed exemption form.
Interpretation and translation services are available by emailing [email protected].
For those living in the boundaries of the Stillwater Public Schools district, there are two methods to enroll. Please select the appropriate option based on your situation. The online enrollment forms are only accessible to internet users located within the United States.
Families without a Campus portal account (Entirely new to SPS):
Families with a Campus portal account:
Choose the "2024-25 New Student Enrollment" option and follow the steps.
Note: With the portal option, if you haven't moved and your proof of residency is on file, you will not have to reupload a new proof of residency. Residency is always verified at the fall enrollment events.
After the enrollment documents are verified, your school will contact you if additional information is needed to schedule your child with teachers.
For new Pre-K students: Please note that your application will be time stamped when your proof of residence, birth certificate, and immunization records are uploaded and verified as correct. Please upload your documents in the online form instead of emailing to the school. Your enrollment will be delayed if the needed documents are not attached. Space is limited for Pre-K enrollment and will be filled in the order enrollments are completed.
Want to attend SPS but live outside the district? Visit our Out-of-District Transfers page for more information on possible capacity to accept transfers and the process to request a transfer.
Note: Due to state law, transfers from outside of the Stillwater Public School District cannot be accepted until after July 1. Out-of-district enrollment applications submitted before July 1 will have to be resubmitted after the state's process for the next school year is opened.