- Stillwater Public Schools
- District Gifted Education Plan
Gifted students have been identified as a population in our school district which requires a differentiated curriculum of greater challenge, more complexity and abstraction, and faster paced instruction. Appropriate opportunities for the gifted are a logical and essential part of a school system which recognizes and respects individual differences among its students.
This document contains an overview of the PreK-12th grade Gifted Education Program. Additionally, local procedural guidelines are presented. This program overview has been prepared to provide parents, teachers, and administrators with specific information pertaining to definitions, service delivery, program options and identification procedures.
Gifted and Talented Students: Those students having demonstrated abilities of high-performance capability and needing differentiated or accelerated education or services. For the purpose of this definition, “demonstrated abilities of high-performance capability” means those identified students who score in the top three percent (3%) on any national standardized test of intellectual ability. [70.O.S. 1210-301]. Those students demonstrating “specific academic ability” will also be identified using multi-criteria. [OAC 210:15:23-2(a)(2) & (3)]
Gifted Education Programs: Those special instructional programs, supportive services, unique educational materials, learning settings, and other educational services which differentiate, supplement, and support the regular program in meeting the needs of the gifted students.
Parent: For the purposes of this document, the term “parent” may also mean “legal guardian.”
The designated district gifted and talented coordinator will oversee the identification process and procedures to ensure consistency and compliance. Procedures used in the identification process will be nondiscriminatory with respect to race, economic background, national origin or handicapping condition. Identification procedures include the following:
All students will be screened up to twice during elementary using a nationally normed test of intellectual abilities to determine a potential pool of gifted and talented students.
Students may qualify for gifted and talented placement based on OK Statute Title 70-1210.301 in two ways:
By scoring in the top 3% on a test of intellectual ability
By qualifying through a multicriteria evaluation in one or more of the capability areas: specific academic ability, creative thinking ability, leadership ability, visual performing arts ability
Nominations may also be sought from a wide variety of sources including: professional educators, parents, peers, the student and others as appropriate.
The District Testing Coordinator will oversee the assessment process of the nationally standardized test of intellectual ability. Gifted Resource Teachers will administer the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) for the identification process at their individual school sites. If a need arises, alternative assessments may be given at the discretion of the District Testing Coordinator or designated gifted and talented coordinator.
The Gifted Resource Teacher will also collect the appropriate data which may include standardized achievement tests, project assessments, and records of student achievement. If the student demonstrates divergent talent, the student may be asked to submit a portfolio or complete rating scale. The provided information will be used to support decisions regarding eligibility.
Advanced Placement is available for all students regardless of whether the student is identified in specific programs. Screening test bands for possible gifted identification are 6th – 8th and 9th – 12th Non-testing data will also be collected which may include checklists, student work portfolios, and student achievement outside the school’s curriculum.
The Gifted Resource Teacher will comprise an eligibility team to make placement recommendations based on all available information. Administrator or their designee, regular class teacher, and others as appropriate will provide pertinent information to facilitate placement decisions that reflect careful consideration of the student’s educational needs, interests and abilities in light of programming options.
Instructionally useful information about individual students obtained during the identification process will be communicated to the appropriate members of the instructional staff regardless of final placement.
Identification and placement will include parental involvement:
Parent permission is required for individual testing.
An additional evaluation is available upon parent request. The school district will administer an individualized standardized intelligence test in the event of an additional evaluation.
Parents are given written notice that their child has been identified for placement in the gifted program.
Parents are provided a summary of the gifted education program to be offered to their child.
Parents may appeal a placement decision with which they disagree.
Parents may request reconsideration from the building committee if they disagree by emailing their request to the building principal.
Parents may also request a conference with the testing coordinator and/or the district coordinator for the gifted education program.
If a parent requests a reconsideration from a building principal, the building principal will alert the designated district gifted and talented coordinator. The designated district gifted and talented coordinator will convene a committee to re-evaluate the student placement decision based on the current, provided student data. The re-evaluation committee may not include people from the first committee, but should include at least 3 district level administrators.
The Gifted Resource Teacher will administer the nationally normed screener three times a year for new gifted referrals/nominations; Fall (Aug. – Oct), Winter (Nov. – Jan.), and Spring (Feb. – Mar. for the following school year.) Services are provided for grades PK through twelve. Students who do not qualify for the program may be re-evaluated at the next grade level if the parents and the school building committee determine this action to be appropriate. Opportunities are provided for students to be considered for placement throughout their school experience.
Students who qualify for the program but who do not participate at a given level may request participation at a later grade level. Opportunities are provided for students to be considered for placement throughout their school experience.-
Once a student is identified for gifted and talented placement, they will remain identified throughout the duration of their enrollment in Stillwater Public Schools.
Student placement decisions in the capability areas are based on multiple criteria. No single criterion or cut-off score is used to exclude a student from placement. Students who do not qualify on the basis of standardized intelligence testing are reviewed in light of additional criteria which include: classroom performance with work sample documentation, achievement test performance, outside projects, and expressed interest and desire to participate. Students who are being assessed for divergent talent ability should not be excluded based solely on cognitive scores.
Students who were identified as gifted and talented in another school district will be considered for identification and placement by the building level committee after review of the student’s records from the previous school district. Per Oklahoma law, efforts will be made not to “ungift” a student moving in from another district or from out of state. However, students must have complete gifted and talented records in order to qualify. If parents cannot produce complete and accurate school records, they may request gifted and talented testing. -
Strict confidentiality procedures will be followed with regard to obtaining parental permission to test, testing results, and placement decisions.
Records of placement decisions and data on all nominated students will be kept on file for a minimum of five years or for as long as needed for educational decisions.
The Stillwater Gifted Education Program is provided as a part of the school schedule. The program offers a differentiated curriculum which is modified in pace, breadth, and depth and includes content, process and product options that are appropriately matched with students needs and interests and provide academic/social support. Flexible and innovative teaching and learning environments encourage exploration and experimentation beyond the traditional curriculum and is planned to assure continuity throughout the student’s enrollment in the Stillwater School System.
Differentiation of instruction is the overriding philosophical foundation for gifted services. Differentiating the curriculum so that it is appropriate for gifted and talented students implies modification of student goals and objectives, instructional strategies, learning experiences, and evaluation. Differentiated curriculum is provided in gifted classes, as well as in the regular education program. Gifted Resource Teachers not only provide direct curriculum and instructional programs and services for gifted learners, but also support regular classroom teachers to enable them to meet the needs of these learners within the regular classroom.
Students identified in PreK-1 grade may receive monitoring and consultation services. The Gifted Resource Teachers will work directly with the PreK-1 teachers to provide resources for differentiated instruction. Students in grades 2-5 participate in a pullout program; 2nd - 1.5-2 hours per week, 3rd - 2 hours per week, and
4th & 5th - 2-2.5 hours per week. Instructional coursework emphasizes higher level thinking skills, independent project completion skills including goal setting/evaluation, research skills, information technology skills, and public speaking aligned to the student’s giftedness or specific capability area. Unit studies provide opportunities for students to progress at an individualized pace while providing enriching experiences beyond those in the classroom. The gifted program teacher provides first graders whole group instruction once a month in the regular classroom focusing on higher level thinking skills.
Students in grades 6-9 may take advanced year-long classes in content areas or semester electives. Curriculum in the elective classes may focus on logic and higher-level thinking skills, creativity enhancement, leadership skills and research skills. Students in grades 10-12 may participate in Advanced Placement courses or take courses at Meridian Technology Center. Students may also participate in dual/concurrent enrollment at Oklahoma State University or Northern Oklahoma College-Stillwater Campus. Advanced, honors, and Advanced Placement content courses are noted on student transcripts. Additionally, high school seniors may be recognized as an Oklahoma Academic Scholar for outstanding academic achievement. A gold seal is affixed to their diploma, and the honor recorded on their official transcript.
The curriculum for PreK-1 grades focuses on the provision of enrichment activities to enhance the grade level content with above grade level resources being provided as needed. The students in grades 2-5 will be provided a differentiated curriculum adapted to student interests and needs. The Gifted Resource Teachers encourage teachers to differentiate instruction and enrich the curriculum for all learners, often teaching additional classes in art, research skills and technology skills.
Vertical teaming among the secondary schools allows for curriculum alignment and the opportunity for exploring the AP options that may be available.
Students participating in the Gifted Education Program are evaluated on a regular basis with attention to mastery of content, higher level thinking skills and creativity as well as work habits and group interactions. This evaluation includes an individual assessment or grade of performance which primarily focuses on:
Goals set and accomplished
Completion of, performance on, and/or involvement with assigned activities
Evaluation of the appropriateness of a student’s placement in the gifted education Program will be ongoing. Communication between the parent and teachers regarding progress will be facilitated by the Gifted Resource Teacher.
Once a student is identified for gifted and talented placement, they will remain identified throughout the duration of their enrollment in Stillwater Public Schools. Furthermore, parents have the right to determine if they want their child to be served in gifted and talented programming.
A conference with the parents and the student is required to make the determination of any placement change. Efforts will be made to make appropriate modifications in the student’s program to provide for program continuation. Discontinuation of service will take place with the student, parent, teacher, and principal or administrator designee and should be reviewed annually. If a discontinuation of service determination is made, the student’s status of “gifted” remains intact and at any time if the parents and student decide to continue service, no re-assessments of giftedness will need to be made.
A systematic plan for on-going evaluation is part of program planning and implementation. Students, parents, teachers and administrators will assist in the annual evaluation of the program through surveys, parent conferences and advisory committee recommendations. The evaluation process is utilized to assess each component of the gifted program. The components include:
Instructional programming
Professional development
Community involvement
Evaluation process
A local advisory committee is appointed by the Board of Education upon the recommendation of the Superintendent. The committee will consist of at least three but no more than eleven members, at least one third of whom shall be selected from a list of nominations submitted by associations whose purpose is advocacy for gifted and talented children. [70 O.S. 1210.308 (A)]
The local Advisory Committee is demographically representative of the community and is appointed no later than September 15 of each school year for two-year terms. The committee will consist of parents of children identified as gifted and community members who may be, but are not required to be, parents of students within the district. [70 O.S. 1210.308 (A)]
The first meeting will be called by the superintendent no later than October 1 of each year. At this meeting, the committee will elect a chair and vice-chair. The committee will meet at other times during the year as necessary in meeting space furnished by the district. All meetings of the committee are subject to provisions of the Oklahoma Open Meeting Act.
The school district will provide staff with training in gifted education for the advisory committee. The local advisory committee will provide assistance in formulation of district goals for gifted education, assist in the development of the district plan for gifted educational programming, assist in the preparation of the district report on gifted programming and perform other advisory duties as requested.
The Gifted Resource Teachers hold valid Oklahoma teaching certificates appropriate to their grade level teaching assignment and meet the requirements for Highly Qualified status. The designated district gifted and talented coordinator also holds an Oklahoma teaching and an administrative certificate and has experience with supervising gifted programming. As budget allows, program staff may participate in annual training provided by the Oklahoma State Department of Education and/or district provided training as well as The Oklahoma Association for Gifted, Creative and Talented (OAGCT) conference and OKSTE Conference in order to obtain updated skills and information relative to gifted education.
Staff Responsibilities
Under the direction of the Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services, the following organizational plan has been developed which clearly delineates roles, responsibilities and coordination procedures with regard to gifted educational programming options.
The designated district gifted and talented coordinator for gifted educational programming will be responsible for working with the local advisory committee, will provide program oversight and appropriate staff development opportunities, and prepare required reports.
The District Testing Coordinator will train, organize, and manage large group screening and assessing for gifted and talented identification and support Gifted Resource Teachers and other staff as they screen and assess students. DTC will also be responsible for uploading appropriate data into the Student Information System (SIS) per district technology standards.
The Gifted Resource Teacher at each site will be responsible for coordinating, under the direct supervision of the principal, the building level gifted programming and completing required reports. They will also be responsible for ensuring that
Identification procedures are meticulously followed and fairly implemented.
Student files are complete, up to date, contain all appropriate documentation, are kept confidential, and are held in either a locked filing cabinet or in a secure digital location that meets FERPA compliance.
Curriculum meets the diverse needs of all GT students and that GT students have the opportunity to develop their gifts and talents through various learning experiences.
Service delivery is addressed by both the regular classroom teachers and the Gifted Resource Teacher. They will work closely together to implement appropriate flexible pacing, plan for enrichment, coordinate resources and facilitate academic/social support when needed.
The Gifted Resource Teacher provides professional support through modeling, consultation, collaborative problem solving, in-service training and assists classroom teachers in finding and securing resource materials and/or resource persons.
The Gifted Resource Teacher is responsible for coordinating gifted student identification at the building level, monitoring student progress and record maintenance.