- Stillwater Public Schools
- News & Announcements
SPS Health Awareness Alert
SPS Staff and Families,
With increased indoor activity during cold weather, family gatherings, and seasonal cycles of diseases, illnesses like influenza, strep, COVID, and RSV are spreading in the community. Hospitalizations of people experiencing respiratory distress related to these illnesses are on the rise.
The Oklahoma Department of Health’s ViralView helps citizens stay aware of current conditions at oklahoma.gov/health/health-education/acute-disease-service/viral-view.html
As students return to school, health professionals anticipate the potential for additional spread of illness. If your child is ill, please keep them home, and contact your school to report and excuse their illness-related absence. Students should be fever free for at least 24 hours before returning to school.
The district will send letters to parents/guardians of students with numerous absences to help parents be aware of their child’s attendance. Attendance can also be monitored through the parent portal.
If your child is in the 9th grade or higher, absences beyond 10 per semester (9th grade) or 4 per nine weeks (10th-12th) may result in the loss of course credit. A doctor’s note may be presented to document medically necessary absences and to exempt those absences from counting against a student’s course credit.
Please use caution and take measures such as vaccinations available through your healthcare provider to help protect yourself, your loved ones, and your community.
Thank you,
Stillwater Public Schools