- Stillwater Public Schools
- News & Announcements
Resilient Payne County Spring Early Bird Parent Program
- ⮚ Parent program designed to help caregivers for children 2 to 5 years old (includes grandparents and foster parents)
- ⮚ Classes available in English.
- ⮚ Childcare is not provided.
- ⮚ You are not required to have attended previous EB classes
- ⮚ Classes are held at the following Stillwater locations:
Our Daily Bread - 701 E 12th Ave, Stillwater, OK 74074
Will Rogers Elementary - 1211 N Washington St, Stillwater, OK 74075
Resilient Payne County
Spring Schedule 2024
Age Group Date Time Location
2-3 Years
Thursday, April 11 Saturday, April 27
5:30 PM Our Daily Bread 9:00 AM Will Rogers Elementary
3-4 years 4 - 5 Years
Thursday April 11 5:30 PM Our Daily Bread Saturday, April 27 10:30 PM Will Rogers Elementary
Saturday, April 27 9:00 AM Will Rogers Elementary
IN THIS 90 MINUTE CLASS, YOU WILL: You are your child's 1st Teacher ⮚ Learn how children develop, how to make everyday moments fun and educational, how to prepare your child for school, how to parent with purpose, how to balance work and life, and how to keep your child healthy and safe.
- ⮚ Receive a FREE kit of toys, books, and learning activities to support early learning at home after each class.
- ⮚ Connect with other parents
- ⮚ Learn about the importance of play and tips for playing with your child.
Questions Contact - [email protected] - EB Payne County Coordinator
Children who participate in EB - school readiness surpasses - nonparticipants
Classes supported by Stillwater Public Schools
Scan to register or visit online to learn more and register for classes: earlybirdsok.org/rpc
[email protected] (General Early Birds Support). Early Birds launched in 2010 through Smart Start. Sunbeam acquired Early Birds on July 1, 2023.