- Stillwater Public Schools
- Stillwater Cultural Traditions
High School Graduation
Every year, the Stillwater High School community gathers at Gallagher Iba Arena to celebrate the graduation of its seniors. This momentous event is a symbol of the hard work and dedication put forth by the students throughout their high school years.
Venue: The graduation ceremony takes place at Gallagher Iba Arena, an iconic venue located on the Oklahoma State University campus. The arena is filled with excited family members and friends, and the stage is adorned with Stillwater High School's colors and banners.
Procession: The ceremony begins with a procession of graduates, marching into the arena to the sounds of music, performed by the SHS band.
Attire: Graduates don their traditional caps and gowns, creating a sea of Pioneer Blue. The tassels on their caps hang to one side, awaiting the symbolic moment of transition. Speciifics of what can and can't be worn are outlined in board policy.
Speeches: Key figures in the school community, typically the saluatorian, class president, and principal deliver speeches of inspiration and reflection. These speeches celebrate the graduates' achievements and offer words of encouragement as they embark on their next journey.
Presentation of Diplomas: The highlight of the ceremony is the presentation of diplomas. Graduates' names are called one by one, and they proudly walk across the stage to receive their diplomas from a school official. The arena erupts in applause and cheers as each student's accomplishments are celebrated. We ask that families avoid the use of confetti and airhorns.
Turning of the Tassels: After receiving their diplomas, the graduates perform the symbolic act of turning their tassels from one side of their caps to the other, signifying their transition from high school students to high school graduates.
Recessional: The ceremony concludes with a formal recessional, as the graduates exit the arena while music plays in the background. Family members and friends cheer and offer their congratulations.
Celebration: Following the ceremony, families and friends gather to celebrate the graduates' achievements with parties, dinners, and other gatherings. Each year, SPS hosts Project Graduation to provide graduates with a fun, safe way to celebrate throughout the night.
It's a time to cherish memories and look forward to the bright futures that await these Stillwater High School graduates as they embark on their next adventures in life.